Ekaterina Kovalchuk about the star sister Anna Kovalchuk: "Despite the fact that I am the youngest, she is advised to me"


Ekaterina Kovalchuk is known for fans on roles in the projects "serf", "miraculous" and others. However, the surname of the artist is familiar to numerous fans even thanks to another star actress - Anna Kovalchuk. Not everyone knows, but girls are sisters on his father. He talked with a 27-year-old actress, which in the new series "Hussar", where Katya played with Garick Harlamov.

- Catherine, recently released the "Hussar" project with your participation, with which it can be especially congratulated, taking into account the situation. Tell me who played this time?

- wife of a scientist who invented the time car. My heroine is home in the family, works for all, earns money, manages everything. She has a strong character, it is very purposeful and self-sufficient. I really like this quality in it. She wants to divorce her husband, because she gotten to pull the strap one and contain a family. And the husband does not pay any attention, except for his time car. But when she plans to leave the spouse, he makes a scientific discovery and transfers from the past in our time of Husar, which turns out to be its ancestor. Now, if something happens to Husar, Katya will simply disappear. The story itself is interesting and new, full of events. I remember most of all historical shooting on kind, where we reincarnated in different heroes. I had to become a heroine living in the family in the 19th century. That was interesting. And one point is especially memorized on the site, where I realized that my partners were literally family. This is in the stage where Gusaru first presented the phone, and for the first time in his life he tried to call him. When he completed the scene with the words: "I'll go to understand, thank you!", I understood how great it: I literally woke up some family feelings, as if I gave my child to my child.

Frame from the shooting area of ​​the series

Frame from the set of the series "Hussar"

Press service materials

- Your heroine is a strong character. Is it possible to say so?

"Yes, my heroine is really home in the family, but I'm not quite such." I love to be a slave more to send me. In the position of the "man-woman" I occupy a feminine position, and maybe let him take, will be the main thing. But I have in the character of solid notes when it comes to injustice or I want everything to be in my plan. Everything should be clear, because I love to plan, I even have my own calendar. And here we are similar to my heroines, because she is a purposeful girl. I am also self-sufficient, I can not without it.

- Of course, I can not not ask about how he was playing with Garick Kharlamov? What is he on the site?

"He's a wonderful person and actor, with him very comfortable on the site and in life." On the set he was joking all the time, he is generally a mega-mapping person, and his glass is always half full. I study this from him. I was lacking for optimism and positive, and Garik charged the whole platform. It was very felt, and it worked much easier. Thanks to the jokes of Garik, we coped, survived night shooting on kind, and even during the rain. I am glad that we managed to work together. By the way, we were not familiar to the filming. I still really liked that he was very open, simple, sincere and in work, and in life.

Ekaterina Kovalchuk and Garik Harlamov found a common language on the set

Ekaterina Kovalchuk and Garik Harlamov found a common language on the set

Materials of the press service of the TNT channel

- Catherine may not everyone know that acting talents are your family. You sister Anna Kovalchuk. How often do you think to see?

- We and Ane, unfortunately, seeing infrequently, because now everyone is so busy. We often dangle from Moscow to Peter, but we try to allocate time for meetings. Although the last time saw each 2 months ago. We are now both busy and communicate, mostly by phone. Moreover, lately I am more in Moscow, than in St. Petersburg. In December, I traveled for Christmas to New York and perfectly spent time there. And with the niece of the Child, they wanted to go to rest, but, unfortunately, now everything is blocked in terms of trips. We are talking closely as a real girlfriend.

- As far as I know, your friendship has begun not from childhood. You have some unusual dating story ...

- Yes, I learned that Anna is my sister, only at 16 years old. I remember, we had dinner, watched the series "Secrets of the investigation," and my mother told me that Anna was my sister. Naturally, I did not believe first. Asked: "What?!" Then my mother told me the whole story, it turned out that we have a common father. I was in the utmost shock, of course.

- Well, how did you ever meet in reality?

- Five years later, when I was fulfilled 21. We met the most beautiful way. I had a diploma play in St. Petersburg with the theater "Island". I played the main role of a 65-year-old drug addict, sick cancer. This is the role that Maryl Strip played in the film "August". And I performed her completely without a grima. Anna came to me to see and support. It was a surprise for me. Then we first saw. After graduation, when the applause began, she went on stage, gave me a basket of big red roses, kissed and said: "Thank you, you are wonderful ..." Well, and then, when it all ended, I approached her, and we talked. So it was a magic meeting. I was very nice - not to convey. This is a very valuable event in life, incredibly emotional. I was delighted and was very happy.

Ekaterina Kovalchuk met his star sister Anna Kovalchuk only at 21

Ekaterina Kovalchuk met his star sister Anna Kovalchuk only at 21

Press service materials

- I wonder if your choice of acting profession was not related to the fact that your sister is a popular artist?

- I do not think. I in principle doubtedly doubtedly and did not know where to do. I was an active person, editor of the school newspaper, wrote articles, participated in school scenes, came up with something. I even wanted to become a singer, but then I realized that I had no voting. I have a good musical rumor, I sing a little bit, but my voice is mesmer. And I wanted to be a journalist. As a result, I entered both faculties: acting and journalism. After consulting with the dad, I chose journalism. But while I studied, there was a higher mathematics and other similar items. And so, sitting at the desk, I felt that I was not there, it's not my road. And I agreed with everyone and moved to the acting faculty - where the heart suggested me. I never regretted it. It can be said that I myself sent myself, Anna has nothing to do with it. But genetics, apparently, played a role.

- Do you give each other some professional advice? Discussing each other's work?

- Yes. I always advise with it in matters of work, and life. Well, she is also advised to me. She somehow said to me what she likes that she could call me or write and just ask. That is, despite the fact that I am a younger sister, she is advised to me. I can tell something, because she respects my views, my wisdom. I was very nice to hear. So we have it again.

- And did you have any thoughts take part in the series "Secrets of the Consequence"? Well, or generally work with my sister in one project?

"Of course, I don't really see myself in the series" Secrets of the Corollary ", but I really want to work with Anna. I really hope that it will ever happen. I will send these thoughts into the universe. Especially in some historical project. And Anya, by the way, would also like to work with me. But so far there are no specific plans. We had samples in the same project, but so far nothing is known, everything has suspended.

Ekaterina Kovalchuk

Ekaterina Kovalchuk

Press service materials

- Housing in the capital has not yet acquired?

- No, although I honestly have such a goal: I would like to buy an apartment in Moscow. But this is still just a desire, this is not so easy. Especially me - I'm just starting my career. Now, when I come to Moscow, I stop, or at the hotel, or at the buddies. I have a lot of friends here.

- Free time how do you like to spend?

- I love to travel. When I have free time, and even when it is not, I sit and think where to fly. (Smiles.) I have a list of countries in which I have already flown, my favorite places. And I will still go there. I enjoy traveling. I'm terribly flying, although I love. Just there, at the top, I can look at everything from the side, to think about something, comprehend, smear, comprehend. I like to fly somewhere, take a cup of hot tea and go for a walk, and in the evening to book a table in the jazz bar. I adore this is mine.

The actress leads an active lifestyle and admits that it is easy for it to maintain the form due to good genetics.

The actress leads an active lifestyle and admits that it is easy for it to maintain the form due to good genetics.

Press service materials

- Well, if there is no way to fly, what do you spend time?

- I love horses very much, I love riding riding. Since childhood, I came to the stable, took the horse, I got acquainted with her little ... I also had several filming with these animals. I even went to the USA, where I had the first project, and there I was asked to the farm in Kentucky. If I were not like an actress, I probably went to work with horses. But the time for such an occupation is not always located now. This is a vital business, he needs to pay a lot of attention.

- It turns out, you don't help you at all at all?

"I am engaged in sports three times a week in the hall, but I can generally do not do any period." At the same time, I eat everything and do not get better: bells, croissants, bread, pasta. The only thing I don't eat is red meat.

- You are lucky with the metabolism - you can not sit on a diet. I wonder, and with Anna, do you discuss issues of weight loss and appearance?

- We do not discuss it with her, because we do not have such a problem and need to sit on diets to lose weight. We have such genetics.

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