Coronavirus: Actual statistics on October 15


In Russia: As of October 15, the total number of sick crownavirus was 1,354,63, over the past day, 13,754 new cases of infection were revealed. In total, from the beginning of the pandemic recovered 1 048 097

(+8 392 Over the past day) Man, 23 491 (+286 Over the past day), a person died from coronavirus.

In Moscow: As of October 15, the total number of victims of COVID-19 over the past day in the capital increased by 3,942 people, +1 953 people were cured, 57 people died.

In the world: As of October 15, from the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, 38,510 232 were infected (+380 426 over the past day) Man, 26,678 105 (+211 949 Over the past day), the person was recovered, 1,092,144 were died (+6 003 over the past day) human.

Rating of incidence in countries on October 15:

USA - 7,916,099 of the fallen;

India - 7 239 389 sick;

Brazil - 5 140 863 sick;

Russia - 1 354 163 sick;

Argentina - 931 967 sick;

Colombia - 930 159 sick;

Spain - 908 056 sick;

Peru - 853 974 sick;

Mexico - 829 396 sick;

France - 792 147 sick;

South Africa - 696 414 sick;

United Kingdom - 655 389 sick.

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