Question of the day: how to survive a divorce?


"First, I would like to focus on the most frequent mistakes that destroy the family.

Commissioning Situation for Partner

If you have any doubts, do not keep it in yourself. Try to discuss it in the family. For example, a woman seems to have her husband changing her. Instead of talking to him about it, she begins to study the events, words and actions of the spouse. And at the same time gives it its assessment, which often differs from reality. "I came home later, yeah, then accurately with someone was in the restaurant or visited the mistress. She shouted at me today, it means that someone is more expensive for him than me, so I annoy it. " And the reality may be like this: at work, Avral had to be lined, and even with the boss heard, therefore, and the irritated condition of humans. Instead of building your version of events. It is better to just talk to the spouse.

Manipulating partner

Before pronounced the word "divorce", ask yourself personally one question: what you want to achieve now. You can be frank with yourself! If you want, with the help of the threat of "divorce" to make your partner submit to you, recognize your rightness in some questions, to force him to talk about what you wonderful and that it cannot live without you ... then it's all a partner manipulation. And in fact, in most cases, it does not lead to the desired result, but actually leads to the divorce, although you have no thought that it can happen. You can pronounce the word "divorce" only when you really do not want to live with your partner.


Never start talking about divorce with hot in the mouth of a quarrel. This decision should be deliberate, suspended on a sober head. And preferably in such difficult life situations in order not to make a mistake to take advice from a psychologist or psychotherapist.

I hope that in your case it will not reach the termination of the marriage. But for those who encountered this problem we will give advice, How to survive a divorce:

1. Treat the divorce as a turn of the hand. Now there are very strong pain, discomfort, it is difficult to manage with the affairs of one healthy hand, but over time the bone will grow, the pain disappears, you will remove the gypsum and you have two healthy hands. And you very soon and do not remember this fracture. So with a divorce: today pain, discomfort, and tomorrow recovery.

2. If your emotions are very sharp, then do not look into the distant future or in the past. Since in this state, in the past you will only see a bad, a distant future will also seem negative for you. Live today: solve those problems and questions that need to be solved right now, and not hypothetical, which may ever arise in the future. Do not think about the past, it is not corrected. And today needs your participation.

3. Do not be afraid to talk about divorce. Remember, if we voice the problem, it is already partially solved. If we are afraid of talking about something, then we are internally create conditions for the development of the problem. "

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