Traveling by car: 4 Rules that need to discuss with the child


Instead of an airplane or train, it is better to choose a car. From the virus, a trip with proven people will protect, but at the same time will prepare a couple of other hazards, mostly associated with the child. Before traveling with him, you need to learn by heart a few rules of behavior, which he should be unquestioned to abide by his own security. What are they? Tell me below:

Don't get out of the chair

The first rule of security is to remain fastened at the time of the trip. We saw in Instagram a few humorous videos on this topic, where the kids at the age of the parents about the approachment of the patrol car again sit in the car seat and fastened. We will not mention the obvious that the child from childhood should have been developed respect, and not the fear of the police, the ambulance, the fire service and other ... Just look a couple of videos, as children fly through the windshield with improper use of the chair - the outcome, unfortunately It is possible only to death. And so that the child did not drop hands and legs, stop every 1.5-2 hours on the halt: Make the articular gymnastics, play moving games.

Be sure to be fastened in the cabin car

Be sure to be fastened in the cabin car


Do not distract the driver

Do you go with a child alone in the car or together with the second parent, to put the children's car seat needed diagonally from the driver, behind the passenger seat of the front armchair. In this case, the kid will not kick the back of your chair, you can move away from the steering wheel to a comfortable distance and avoid dangers that the child suddenly closes your eyes. The latter, of course, is unlikely to happen, but it is better to provide a situation than to regret about the consequences. Explain to the baby: "Dad / Mom leads a car, it cannot be distracted now. Talk to me or ask you need, I have. "

Do not litter in auto

The car where the baby goes, is a real seatingman bacteria. Crumbs from food, traces from sweet drinks, dried pieces of fruit and used napkins - garbage accumulates so much that after traveling it has to screamed with bags. Agree that neither adults nor children will be in the car, but instead of sweet drinks there will be water. On the way, you can stay in a cafe to fully eat hot food and drinks. For the digestive system, the child is more useful to eat less often, but high-quality products than to eat snugs. Especially since the food in the bent state will rather cause colic in the intestine or bloating than satisfaction from food.

Do not allow the baby to indulge in the car

Do not allow the baby to indulge in the car


Do not open windows and doors

Most machines have a door blocking system and windows from the driver's seat. However, it is important to say with the child that such actions are prohibited in case you forget to put the block. Never allow him to look out the window, even if you are on the road one. Use the air conditioning system inside the cabin and do not spare the fuel on his run. Security always stands above money.

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