House on wheels: Store things in auto right


The organization of the space of the machine should not be difficult or take a long time. There are a number of tricks that you can use to bring the car in order: you just need to start with the fact that you clean the car from the rubble and make a list of things that you need to take with you. Whether you are going on vacation or you just need to organize space for the daily use of the car, you can find a lot of things that will help keep things in their places. Even if you have children or pets that often go with you, it's not a hindrance! We accounted for an excellent list of methods that you can perfectly organize space and maintain it clean, ensuring that you always have everything you need.

Use cheap cosmetic bag for paperwork

You can buy the first cosmetic bag and use it to streamline documents. They are also great for toys and other items. Bag due to compactness perfectly fit into most consoles and gloves, or you can just store it under the seat. When it is necessary to present the documents to the PPS employee, there will be no problems with a long search.

Make a list of things

Before you can perfectly organize your car, you need to know what should be with you and without which you can do. Just as if you were engaged in cleaning in a closet or somewhere else, you should compile a list of things you need and find out what you can get rid of. Before leaving the car, examine the space for superfluous rubbish every evening. We are not advocated to post the garbage packages in the car: it will only fit you to store the trash, in which insects may later get.

Use the Soul Organizers

Plastic transparent bathroom containers are great for storing things that you need to carry. Fill them with everything you need, and hang on the back of the rear seat or even on the front seat, if you want these items to be available for passengers.

Secure the Armchair Organizer

Secure the Armchair Organizer


Keep plastic packages in order

From an empty box of paper napkins, you can make a great container for storing plastic bags. The box can be easily stored under the seat or in any other place. Bags will be useful for garbage, wet clothing, diapers and many other things that you may have to be collected during a trip.

Do not collect packages, but fold them all into packaging from under paper napkins

Do not collect packages, but fold them all into packaging from under paper napkins


Organize children's toys

Regardless of whether you buy it or do it, an organizer for entertainment is simply necessary if you have children of any age. You can store cell phones, drinks and other items, such as small toys, coloring books and crayons, and almost everything you need to do any child while traveling. And when their things are near and organized, you are less likely to hear the annoying: "Are we already in place?"

Keep the keys in order

Yes, in most cars now there are remote controllers, but without the key you do not start it. If you are from time to time you lose the keys, it is best to store them all together. You need to create a key station with a photo frame, multiple hooks and colored paper or cloth for the base. You can even add a place for notes and emergency telephone numbers.

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