"(Not) random stories": what remains behind the scenes


The large-scale project of IQOS "Real Histories", which started in the spring of this year in the co-office with real users of the brand, gave a chance to each of them to take part in the creation of this filmalman.

In August, an online premiere of the film "(no) random history" - Filmalmanakh from five novels based on real stories from the life of adult users of the brand took place. About 40 thousand people took part in the project, who sent their stories and voted for the best of them, came up with the name of the film and chose posters to each of the kinononell. In the filming of the film, the Writer whose writer and the founder of the project "Neprintsy Readings" Alexander Tsapkin also took part 5 directors, 5 film crews, 60 actors and 500 professionals from the world of cinema.

Until the day of the premiere around the plot of the film, intrigue was maintained, but now, after a premiere, interest in the film is only growing, once again proving that the most viewers appreciate the real stories that could happen with each of them. After watching the moviealman's adults, IQOS users are actively divided by their opinion about the picture: many of them thank the project participants for the resulting film. Moreover, the history of authors * turned out to be so inspiring and vital that many viewers learned in the heroes themselves. This was the main goal of the project - to show that, despite all the differences, we are much more common in us. We all have dreams and aspirations, and sometimes we accidentally meet like-minded people - those who inspire us to change our lives for the better.

"Every story warmed the soul, some sincerity felt. Very soulful, very cool! Stories hooked, kept in tension. I am under great impression, honestly. Thank you!" - Write the audience about the project.

"It turned out an incredible movie about each of us and about each of you. We are in the dog.ru every day, every year and every month we tell hundreds of stories about the real St. Petersburgers who truly inspire us. I was very pleased to take part in this project and once again understand one simple truth: the story of everyone is important, "said Creative director of the dog.ru in Russia and a member of the jury of Yana Miloradovskaya.

Video recorder from Maxim Matveeva

According to the executor of the episodic role in Kinononell, Maxim Matveyev, such projects help people look at the world with other eyes. Maxim considers a particularly wonderful fact that the film demonstrates human characters without sticks - what we see them in ordinary life.

* Authors - Adults IQOS users

This material is devoted to the project intended only for adult users of IQOS.

18+. Does not exclude risks

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