How Russian Stars celebrate Valentine's Day


Famous singer responding to a chocolate hare Pierre Narcissa Born in Cameroon, he studied in France, and lives in Russia, so he has something to compare with.

"Tradition to celebrate the day of all the lovers came to Cameroon, as in many countries, from Europe - in the late 80s. True, the attitude in this holiday is still ambiguous in my homeland. There are people who consider that this date is an extra reason for shops to earn money on the sale of all kinds of symbolic baubles. But others are happy to him. But the flowers in Cameroon are not accepted. As a rule, each family lives in the house, and next to there is a small garden, with its own rosary or other flower bed. Therefore, all floristic souvenirs are not popular with us. On February 14, my wife and I prefer to stay at home and arrange a family dinner. I am preparing for her and our daughter's dog's dish - baked fish. Carolina hand a separate present, so that the daughter felt: the holiday is not only at mom, but also for her too.

Abraham Russo With his wife, they believe in this holiday:

- Valentine's Day is a holiday of lovers and I believe that love must be kept, cherished and preserved. We always arrange with the Morella romantic dinner, good to us to do it with our restaurant, where it is a full-awake mistress. I always make a wife gifts. For example, last year I gave her a huge bouquet of flowers and a ring, and her daughter was a box of her favorite candy and a beautiful handbag.

This year Jasmine With your beloved husband will spend the day of lovers in Paris. Ilan, Jasmine's husband, we recall, on the eve of Valentine's Day at one time, received a chic gift from his beloved woman - daughter Rita. And the painted spouse, then did everything to pick up two favorite women from the maternity hospital home on February 14.

- Every day, St. Valentine for several years for me is shrouded in a halo of surprise. - Jasmine is divided, - even if I know time and place, where the beloved is suitable for something, but I don't know the last! Ilan is a real romantic and a very sensitive person. For the last Valentine's day, the husband has arranged a flower fairy tale, and this year we will spend on February 14 in the most romantic city of the world, - in Paris!

Famous Ukrainian singer Ani Lorak It believes that Valentine's Day should be in human life always:

- By February 14, I am completely positively positive, as this is another reason to give each other a pleasant emotion. I remember candy in the form of a heart, Valentine. And one day, Murat gave me a crystal in which my photo was. The husband himself chose her for me, it was a very romantic gift.

The most decisive way relates to the holiday Victoria Lopirez She believes that one of the main foundations of relationships is sex, and as a gift you can choose something like a "desire subscription":

- The day of lovers this year we will celebrate in a sports format. I will celebrate the holiday on the podium where I will be rooting for my beloved man Fedor Smallova (Forward "Anji"). He said that if he scores a goal, he will be dedicated to me! After the match, we will spend the evening together in a romantic atmosphere! It seems to me that this holiday should not surprise your half with some expensive gifts, much more valuable gifts made from the heart. You can give a young man a few desires written on a piece of paper. Print, beautifully decorate. This option is suitable for those couples that consist in serious relationships and not be afraid to experiment.

Singer Mark Tishman. Prefers to girls to give accessories brought from different countries of the world:

- I love to give various jewelry, I liked things. To buy something, what I myself see a girl, complete her image, emphasize something to your taste in it. It's great when you manage to find something unusual in different parts of the globe.

Singer, ex-soloist group "VIA Gra" Anna Sedokova Prefers edible gifts:

- It is desirable that the gift is connected with the word "love", it can even be something edible, insanely tasty!

Singer Natasha Ionova (glitch; oza) Prefers to disturb the male fantasy:

- In our family life, romantic moments often happen, so we do not plan to somehow note this holiday in a special way. I recently arranged my husband for the birthday of a grand surprise! I invited your favorite in the hotel room, lit the candles ... Strokevalah very beautiful erotic dance! And we had a very funny story, on a romantic weekend in Europe! I bought a maid outfit in a sex shop. Called her husband, intrigued him terribly! But when it was time to change clothes, I did not find my "outfit," apparently I forgot somewhere, while I walked around the shops. So I had to get out then!

Singer Roma Zhukov Creates a festive mood for the whole family:

- February 14 for us with Lena a special day, as for all lovers. Every year we are trying to spend together, without children who have five, well, at least evening (laughs). Romantic dinner in the restaurant, unexpected gifts to each other or watching a favorite film by the fireplace - became a real tradition and somehow fed up with time. The tragedy, which occurred in our family in the summer of 2012 destroyed all the holidays and the desire to celebrate anything at all ... But I decided that it was time to return to normal life, and my wife must be shaken, cheered and chanting something unusual. Therefore, I made her work on Valentine's Day (laughs). He took the whole family and took a week to Kiev on the shooting of his new clip. Elena such a celebration had to do, what a huge suitcases with dresses were hinted quietly!

Dominic Joker Valentine's Day is serious and even makes postcards with their own hands: "If you remember past years of celebration on February 14, then I can tell one funny story. I absolutely do not know how to draw, confess, this gift is completely absent. Despite this, I tried to draw Valentine's wife albin. She generally needs to pay tribute - she has an iron excerpt, she accepted her with gratitude, sincerely died. A few years later I found this postcard, which I completely forgot. My son was at that time for three years and for some reason I decided that this creation belongs to him. I go to my wife and say, "I said, Martin did such a postcard!. That is the spectacle was so terrifying that I confused my creativity with a child's sweeping something there to nimble.

The singer Denis Maidanov admitted that it was not necessary to celebrate separately on February 14, because Natalia has a birthday on February 13, which smoothly goes on Valentine's Day. At the very same artist's birthday on February 17, so they both do not complain about the lack of gifts.

And here Anna Semenovich He said that "brought" and distributed the tradition to celebrate Valentine's Day in a circle of his friends long before the holiday began to be widely celebrated in Russia. - "As a child, I traveled a lot in the world with the figure skating team. I brought many souvenirs from the trips with hearts, various valentines for this holiday. We have not had anything like that yet, and therefore caused my friends a real delight. We gave postcards for boys who were then pretty. During the trip to England, I learned that it was taken on this day to guess. Naturally, we immediately took up this, the bachelides were arranged - it was very fun. But now I am completely calm for this holiday. For me, the holiday of Peter and Fevronia is a much more important importance - Orthodox patrons of family and love.

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