Mikhail Galustyan: "The daughters were very surprised when they saw the panda opens her mouth and speaks my voice."


A cheerful and cheerful panda Potted by his charm of millions of viewers eight years ago. Since then, fans of the clumsy master Kung Fu are looking forward to continuing his adventures. On January 28, the long-awaited premiere of the animation painting "Kung Fu Panda-3" will take place, in which the voice of the chief hero again presented Mikhail Galustyan. asked the actor about similarity with his character.


Reunicating with his long-lost father, Panda by goes to a secret paradise place for Panda, where he is expecting a meeting with many fun congor. But when the mighty villain Kai begins to win the victories over the masters of Kung Fu all over China, the software should make an incredible - to train the whole village of funny and clumsy counterparts and turn them into a real Kung Fu Panda team.

"Mikhail, in the third part of your hero Panda Panda falls into the real paradise of Panda. And what can you call for yourself a paradise place?

- Personally, for me, the paradise place is where no one is tormented by you, where you were left alone, and you are granted yourself. Where is near the family, wife, children, relatives, friends, close. Where you do not need to wake up from the alarm. Where there is a warm water nearby. The sun. Music. Fruits. Barbecue. Games and fun. Well, I described all this? (Laughs.)

Mikhail Galustyan:

During the premiere of the film "Kung Fu Panda 3" in Los Angeles, Mikhail Galustin managed to get acquainted with the actors who won the heroes in the original. For example, with Dustin Hoffman (Master Shif)

- During our previous conversation, you said that they were not in China and dream to visit there. Wash your dream?

- Unfortunately, still can't get there. But if I called me there, I would love to go.

- in this cartoon faces an evil spirit. Did you ever come across evil ever? How did you confron him?

- I have some congenital sense of justice. And always, when I see injustice, I try to interfere and do so that truth trust. This is probably a certain struggle with evil.

- The villain takes the strength from the Masters of Kung Fu. What can you lose your strength? And how do you then restore?

- I really take the power of misunderstanding. I consider the language, speech, conversation with my weapon. I can cure a word, I can kill the word. And when they do not understand me, I realize that the person is either in the body armor, or I shoot, either by shooting idle. And it really knocks me out of the gauge, I see that my weapon does not work. And to restore the forces helps the shower. He wakes up everything. The water is magically acting on me, and I think, not only for me.

- After working on cartoons about Panda, you did not have the desire to take a couple of lessons Kung Fu?

- (laughs.) While you did not ask, I did not think about this topic. But maybe even worth take a couple of lessons. Here, for example, go to China and try there. And in this case it will not be a Chinese fake, but the Chinese original. (Laughs.)

Jack Black and Mikhail Galustyan - American and Russian Panda voices

Jack Black and Mikhail Galustyan - American and Russian Panda voices

"Your hero has to teach residents of the village of Panda Art Kung Fu." And why could you teach someone? No desire to teach?

- I honestly say, I am so my teacher. (Laughs.) I probably do not have enough patience to teach, it is still necessary to be a teacher, a master, to this you need to come. Perhaps over the years I will come, but at this stage of life I want to learn more than learning.

- Your daughters love "Kung Fu Panda" cartoons? Do they understand that by the voice of their dad?

- Yes, they like the cartoon. And they were very surprised when they saw how Panda opens her mouth and speaks my voice. And they asked me: "Dad is you? Or not you? Or are you? ". Did not understand. (Laughs.) Now the third part will come out, and we will see how daughters will react now. But they are still small yet. There are no six years old.

- You already give your voice panda for the third time. Can you call it with your relative soul?

- Certainly! I generally spent a lot of parallels. I still live in me, the child lives, as well as in the software. I also love dumplings. I like all these oriental martial arts, I once did Judo. I can not say that I am some kind of fat, but also for not such a clumsy. For Panda, it is quite "Oh-go!" So I'm the same: it seems like not slender, but also it seems like "Oh-th!". (Laughs.)

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