Notes of Thai Mommy: "How my plans collapsed ..."


"- Normal medicine in Thailand is not, doctors are still treated almost with conspiracy - exotic, but dangerous.

- In Thailand in clinics everywhere unsanitary, dirt and poverty.

- I will have to give birth to the hospital crowded by local residents, where they can turn off the light at any time and where the elementary medicines lack.

- There are no normal medicines in Thailand, so it is necessary to carry a whole suitcase pill with you - so, just in case.

"If something unforeseen suddenly happens, the doctors simply will not be able to do anything - will prevent the language barrier.

Thus, our Russian doctors reacted that when they found out that I would give birth to a distant country, where they were never, but about which they knew how it seemed to them. I just, just Thailand from all over and across, so I did not react to any threats. Because about the local medicine something understood. Like those and a half million foreigners, who only in the last year turned to Thai hospitals. This is, by the way, the biggest indicator in the world. And such a giant figure is not at all those who suddenly grabbed on vacation. No, many Europeans (as well as Australians, New Zealanders, Americans and others) go to Thailand with a specific goal - to improve their health. Because it is cheap here (compared to the same Europe), but qualitatively. Equipment - the most modern, asian staff is good-natured and friendly. Most Thai doctors received an education or practiced in Europe and -sh. And, unlike Russia, the doctor in Thailand is a dear and prestigious profession. For example: a qualified physician receives 3-5 thousand dollars here.

That is why today Thailand is considered one of the leaders of medical tourism. Of course, first of all, they go for beauty here - plastic surgeons that are reworked by boys in girls, they certainly know the lot in such operations. The second place in the number of appeals is the dentistry (Hello from Alexander Peskov!). And finally, the third place holds gynecology - from Eco to ordinary birth.

So I decided to join this tourist, without listening to Oh, and Ahov doctors from the female consultation. So I stayed in a happy anticipation of the rapid departure, while one of the next doctors did not coordinate my dust: "Milk, you can't fly away anywhere. You, pregnant, will not be allowed without a special certificate any flight. And the help of this none normal doctor will definitely give you. And here I had a hysteria - I realized that all my plans were collapsed into this very moment ... "

Continuation of a story…

About the beginning of the adventures of Thai mommy read here.

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