November 27 - December 3: put new goals


November 27 - December 3. We are all exposed to the influence of stars, and astrologers are more than others. The current cosmic influences gave me a sea of ​​inspiration and new ideas. From all sides, the information that inspires me. I swallow her, digest and feel that there is an unprecedented magic transformation with me.

It is now to catch the moment: inspire, change your views, put new goals. Stars will help you understand what you want, and when you have a specific goal - this is half success.

If suddenly you didn't hook you like that, or you are just tired and can now draw inspiration from the space, I will tell you how to change the point of assembly and turn your negative thoughts into a positive attitude.

The universe always seeks towards us and wants to help. People who are engaged in the practices of self-development (astrology, meditation, self-analysis, transfing), are easier not to notice the signs of fate. They understand that they did not turn there, even on a small push from the outside and adjust their direction of movement. That is why there are fewer crises in their lives. The task of any crisis is to change us. If a person changes voluntarily, the need for very hard lessons disappears.

What happens to people who have not yet learned self-correction? They are sent to the first situation designed to change thinking or behavior. Man ignores her. Then the second - does not notice. And for the third time the brick falls on the head. Brick do not feel difficult, but it's too late. For example, lovers drive driving. Such people always fall into the accident. First, a little, then a little more seriously, the latter can end quite sad.

It is quite another thing if you consider failures as a reason to think. What am I doing wrong? And thank the world for the fact that he immediately shows when we turn off the true path. Because every step is not in the other side, we get fat in the swamp more and more. Catch the prompts of the universe from the first steps. She loves and guards us.

Consider seemingly a negative feeling - envy. And we turn it into the driving force of our desires. Without it, we are in the zone of comfort and do not look towards our opportunities. And as soon as there appears, for example, a friend in a new dress or on a new car, a new "Want!" Is born in us. Envy is a lesson of life for the lazy and for those who cannot determine their goals. And if it appeared "I want!", So you can make a goal and start moving towards it. Envy wishes the desires that we have not thought before, she is a magical impetus to action on the way to a dream.

Thank people who have opened you new horizons. Now you understand what you want, and you can achieve it.

Now a wonderful period to change your worldview. In order to begin to look at the negative at a different angle. Transform your usual thinking, look for new motivation and new goals. And if you already found, act. Every day make one small step to new yourself and your new life.

Anna Pierzheva, a consulting astrologer, Facebook group "Astrologer kitchen",

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