Stars congratulate Happy Valentine's Day


Happy Valentine's Day began to congratulate each other and their star fans of the domestic pop business through their twitters. So, Nikolay Baskov first congratulated fans by writing: "All with the holiday of the day of lovers !!! Catch my valentine and waiting for your!))", And then personally Anastasia Volochkov. "Happy holiday you, my dear !!! Good concerts and to a meeting in Moscow !!! "," wrote Kohl.

Philip Kirkorov, on the contrary, concretely did not congratulate anyone, at once. And by entering the role. "As temporarily acting sv. Valentine in the 3rd part of LBG, I congratulate all your fans, friends and loved ones with prof. Holiday!)), "wrote Phil.

Funny responded to the holiday stylist Vlad Lisovec: "When you look at some couples, you realize that there is also the day" blind Valentine ")))" he wrote.

Rodion Gazmanov congratulated his Follovover, too, quite peculiar, writing: "Happy Valentine's Day! Love each other, even if this holiday came up with Catholics, and unwound marketers;) ".

"With the holiday of lovers of all of you, dear twitter! Let this day become another reason for warm words to each other! "," Valery's enthusiasm. And Tina Kandelaki noticed: "Love should be a bit fabulous, do not remove pink glasses!"

But Ksenia Sobchak husband with a holiday through Twitter did not congratulate. Ksyusha is not up to Valentine's Day, she licks the wounds applied to her NTV channel, who showed a film about the personal life of the blonde. "Even by exciting me from TV, NTV managed to earn money on me :). The film NTV broke all competitors on the rating, "Sobchak was pleased for himself and immediately did not hold out of the praise:" Share 20 is, of course, cool. At least some kind of NTV - confirmed the audience interest. "

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