How to shock a man?


Love talismans are absolutely different. They can help get rid of loneliness, give the opportunity to arrange a person to themselves who have long been sympathetic to help build a romantic relationship. Before proceeding to the creation of the guard, determine for yourself two important points: whether you want to just attract a wonderful feeling and find love in life, or you want to be perhaps a certain person.

Love Talisman

On ordinary Paper A4 format with a red handle, we draw a circle with a diameter of no more than 15 cm. Inside the circle with printed letters we write your name, date of birth, age and detail then the desire you want to implement. It must be necessarily associated with love. You can describe exactly the type of man who attracts you. If you like some definite name - enter it.

On the reverse side of the talisman, write figures in a cababilastic combination (they give the vibration of those cosmic energies that attract love). Figures distribute on lines:

3 7 12.

31 65 89.

78 15 61.

From the paper cut out the resulting circle and put it under the headboard. Under your pillow, he must be exactly 9 days. After that, you burn it, thereby giving space a certain program for attracting a loved one.

Talisman needs to be done with the promise of good and faith. You must be in solitude so that no one interfere with, listen to relaxing music, because it allows you to tune in to the desired way.

Pink Quartz will save from pathological loneliness

Pink Quartz is a young stone with the properties of attracting love. It is especially good for those people who do not have a personal life, people do not believe that something in this life can change for the better. To make a talisman from this stone, you need the following: on the growing moon put salt into the left palm and gradually rub the pebbles into it with the words: "I attract love, I attract a beautiful relationship." At the same time, you must repeat the name of a particular person.

On a day we put a stone under the moonlight, and at morning just wash off the salt with clean water. This stone is usually carried with you: in a handbag or on the suspension.

Culinary magic

The taste of love can be experienced only through a certain sacrifice. Love must be with a peppercorn, bright, straded, passionate.

One of the strongest products that love attracts is a tomato.

You need to cut a tomato into two equal parts, sprinkle with salt (it has a unique property of protection against the evil eye), between them put two black round peppers. Fold both parts of the tomato so that you have a dish. These dish you will need to treat exactly the person you want to attract to your destiny and life.

Love plot

Under the candle we put a photo of your loved one. We light the fire and "screw" on it. After a conspiracy, the candle must be put on the window, to the place where you relax or sleep:

"Light I light up

I let power in the world

You do not know the obstacles

You will add me awards.

Cute heart.

Create, turn.

You put my face to me

You leave him with me.

The heart is very strong

Flame strength will strengthen

In the dark and darkness of the night

Cute let me in a hurry

Flame of candle, flame light

You do not know the obstacles

Help me with the answer

Will me be cute happy.

I will be I know

On my side you

I'm sitting, I'm burning

Light for cute in the window. "

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