Love with a break: how to build relationships if you are both careerists


Let's admit: put a career above personal relationships normally. How many people would not serve about Work-Life Balance and other smart terms, all the same workaholic will adhere to their own schedule. Do not change a person, but take it as it is. Especially if you would record themselves to workaholikov, including ... We tell about the ways to save the dear relationship to you, for which you spend little time.

Make a bet on quality, not by the amount of time

It is better to take a day off or a vacation and spend it only with your loved ones than urabs to give each other time with a break on phone calls and answers to messages in messengers. Think out a date with surprises for each other, try to surprise what you can and do not forget to leave time for yourself. Sometimes even work can be combined with a joint transmitting. For example, you need to learn a scientific article or prepare for the performance - read and speak out loud to your beloved, and not about myself. And useful criticism to hear, and each other entertain.

Make each other surprises

Make each other surprises


Realize the benefits of a partner who is enthusiastic

Would you be able to be with a man without money that would only walked with you in the parks instead of restaurants and drove by bus? At the same time you could afford a worthy standard of living. Each one, no one will argue here. However, most people understand that workaholics are people with a lot of positive qualities. Responsible, smart, comprehensively developed, materially secured and so on.

Remove phones at least for several hours

For sleep and meals, be sure to disconnect the sound of the phone, putting in exceptions only important contacts of the type of parents, children and loved ones. All workers can wait a few hours - many people during this time will find answers to their questions. And you will save the precious hours of rest and get the opportunity to discuss with a partner all the exciting questions without fear that you will be interrupted.

Perephrase how you talk about problems in relationships

When you constantly live at the limit of opportunities, it is no wonderful to break on your beloved with the slightest problem. Do not swear in vain and take care of each other's nerves. When something serious occurs, calm down and go to the partner with a request to discuss the problem. It is impossible to raise the voice and call: such solutions block the consciousness of people and do not give them adequately to perceive your words.

Inspire on the weekend in advance

Inspire on the weekend in advance


Plan lessons with a partner who works hard

It is easier to agree on the weekend in advance and warn your managers that you will be out of the network at this time than trying to solve something at the last moment. No need to think over a monthly tour of Europe - appreciate how much weekend you can afford. One or two days is enough to reboot, enjoy the idleness and have time to miss usual life. Be sure to take with you children - not just a husband, but they lack you. And both!

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