What are our years: say the proud "no" aid


It would seem, with such conditions, the problem of Aidgeism in modern society should not at all. In the end, another heroine of the film "Moscow does not believe in tears" said that in forty years, life just begins. So why does the number in the passport still have a value for us, women for forty, who do not want to write off from accounts, are regularly tight injuries, and Svetlana Bondarchuk is even forced to shoot a film about the problems of AgeIs?

In a new role

No matter how trivially sounded, Agemism to other people - most often a man's mirror attitude to itself. No wonder the bare knees of celebrities of elegant age on the Internet are discussing mostly women. In Europe, meanwhile, the similar problem is absent as a class. Here the skirt is just a skirt, and the phrase "by age is not supposed" can cause sincere bewilderment.

It is believed that at the heart of the hatred, which many adult women experience to their attractive peoples, is a banal envy, but this phenomenon has a deeper phenomenon. The key to the solve is in the perception by women of his social role. In Russia, it is primarily a wife and mother, and therefore, upon achieving a certain age, it should be quieter of water below the grass, because her watch has long been hatching. Thus, the desire of the beautiful floor of the new formation demonstrate its attractiveness in adulthood at the subconscious level is perceived by their peers as a challenge of the established polls, which causes aggression and anger. However, not an appearance one. A similar reaction often gives rise to a desire for an adult woman to master a new profession or go to the army.

It's never too late

Most Russians are admired by Europeans who continue to lead an active lifestyle in adulthood. Mountain skiing, mountaineering, dance courses ... Yes Look at the pilgrimage participants in Santiago de Compostela! A walking path to nine hundred and kilometers through Navarre Pyrenees overcome people who have broced the fifth, and then the sixth dozen. If you have to offer the average Russian to do this, the answer is likely to be predictable: "I'm already late."

The main reason for this attitude towards yourself is our continuing education system. Unlike Sweden in Russia, it was not accepted after school for several years to work in different spheres and only then determined with the choice of the university. If a Russian student wants to leave his European peers for an example for a year to see the world, his parents will not understand it. As a result, the idea of ​​learning new in a mature age seems strange: we are too closely perceiving the roles prescribed to us. But it's not so difficult to cope with internal fears. Embody your children's dream - by doing step, stop difficult.

How to preserve the vigor of the body and the soul in adulthood:

Arrange the day mode. Try to eat at the same time - it will support your metabolism, and the sleep from 23.00 to 8.00 will not only help you fully recover, but also will allow the body to develop antioxidants fighting with premature aging.

Move! If you have never played sports, walk more on foot in nature. By the way, endorphins that produce our body during physical exertion, help maintain a good mood and vital tone.

Learn a new one. Use the method of Fandorin's Erast: put yourself one intelligent task for a year and its systematically embody it. It may be drawing courses, learning a foreign language or gaining a new skill.

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