Men only: Hair Care


By nature, women's and men's hair have the same structure and consist of the same elements. But on this, their similarity ends, then the differences begin. For example, the phase of the lifestyle of a male hair is much shorter than women's (this is due to the presence of certain hormones). It is not by chance that most adolescents (regardless of the floor) suffer from seborrhea and acne. The fact is that in the pubertal period of both sexes at first there is an increase in men's hormones. And only a few later, estrogens begin to play a major role. Estrogen significantly extends the life of hair follicles, but testosterone, affecting the process of salo-waste, gives the structure of hair stiffness, strength and thickness. Thus, men's hair is better protected from the effects of cold, heat, chlorinated water, dry air and temperature drops. An important factor is that the fact that representatives of the strong sex are much less likely experimenting with their hairstyle, mostly preferring short haircuts.

And short hair gets more nutrition than long strands, and they look healthier.

"In men and women, various skin of the head," says Mikhail Sitnikov, a technologist of professional cosmetics for hair ISO (USA). - At the strong half of humanity, it is thicker, in it enhanced blood circulation. Men's skin is also characterized by a large number of hair follicles, sweat and sebaceous glands, which work much more intense than women. Such activity, on the one hand, provides additional protection and nutrition with hair, on the other - the hairstyle quickly loses the appearance and becomes untidy. Differ

and PH levels: in women most often the hydrogen indicator is 5.7, and in men the environment is more sour - approximately 5.4. As for the structure, it is certainly a man's hair is much thicker and stronger. "

On every day

To provide hair optimal care, men with a classic short haircut are enough to choose high-quality shampoo. Unfortunately, many representatives of the strong half of humanity are suitable for this issue from a practical point of view - they wash their heads with the beloved gel for the soul. Perhaps it is economically profitable, but there is no benefit for the hair. Rather, on the contrary, because the shower gels contain special cleansing agents that can overcover the scalp, and this is a serious problem. This is especially true of the means of economy-class, they are made on the basis of substances such as Sodium Lauryl Sulfate and Sofium Laureth Sulfate, the frequent use of which can break the pH-balance of the scalp. TEA LAURYL SULFATE and TEA Laureth Sulfate are much softer - these are components included only in high-quality shampoos.

In many professional lines there are so-called men's series, which is mainly expressed in the presence of certain fonders, as well as special components that normalize the state of the scalp. If the hair is normal, any shampoo is suitable for a neutral fragrance. The main thing is that it come to daily use. Due to the special formulas, such cleansing agents will help to give male hair a more well-groomed look, make them healthier.

"Men have to wash their hair daily, while they rarely enjoy special hair care," says Mikhail Sitnikov. - In fact, pick up the shampoo is easy, it is enough to know several rules. First of all, it is necessary to take into account the fact that men's head is inclined to fatty, but the hair is usually normal and healthy, which cannot be said about the ladies, one way or another respecting to certain procedures, for example, to staining or laying a hairdryer. That is why, for the strong half of humanity, moisturizing, nutritious shampoos or means intended for care of painted hair are not suitable. Such cosmetics can greatly "overload" the skin and hair, they will look lifeless and neglected. The optimal option can be the means of marking "for daily use", such as the shampoos of the ISO (USA) line of the Daily line. They contain soft cleansing substances and foaming agents for delicate removal of contaminants and residues of styling, so that carefully clean the hair and the skin of the head, leaving a feeling of freshness and ease. As for air conditioners, they are needed by those men whose hair is too tough and thick, as well as lovers of creative styling. Moreover, if a man decided to grow hair, the air conditioner is simply necessary for him, as it disciplines the strands, it eliminates the fluffy and greatly facilitates the installation process. Thus, the air conditioners of the ISO brand (USA) of the Daily line are water-soluble highly purified silicones to impart glacial and protection, as well as humidifiers that retain the desired level of moisture in the hair. Such drugs soften and smoothed, make it easier to comb, remove static electricity, give the hair a healthy shine.

As for the dandruff shampoos, they provide only the removal of symptoms, but do not solve the problem itself. If it exists, it is best to turn to a trichologist and go through the appropriate treatment. "

With stacking everything is in order!

Despite the variety of existing styles and areas in the hairdresser's art, not every man is ready to spend his precious time on stacking. That is why the most favorite option was and remains classic men's haircut. If it is correct, it is enough to simply wash your hair with high-quality shampoo and dry naturally. If the haircut implies texture, to emphasize this technique will help a small amount of wax, which is applied to dried hair.

In order to follow the trends of fashion or stick to your style, an individual approach is required. For example, laying in the form of a low horse tail will suit the owners of long hair. So that it looks neatly, you must apply a small amount of mousse or gel on your hair.

"In 2013, the so-called broccoli styling, which are a universal version, is returned to the fashion," says Mikhail Sitnikov. - For young people will be relevant hairstyles in the style of Elvis Presley, and for business people - haircuts in the style of the 80s, with a direct probor. To create such installations, it does not take much time, especially if you choose the right tool that the process itself will greatly facilitate and will provide a persistent result. Classic remedy - hair gel, such as the gel of strong fixation of the ISO brand (USA). It ensures the preservation of the styling, while it does not make hair sticky, does not waste them and leaves ugly flakes. Suitable for all hair types. Special polymers provide stale fixation for the whole day. A mixture of silicones in this preparation is combined with polymers - it allows to achieve better air conditioning. Vitamins, A and E feed and conditioned hair during styling, and the filter protects against the harmful effects of UV rays. With it, you can lay your hair and medium length - just bother them back. This will help keep the hair texture and ensure the preservation of the shape throughout the day. Such a hairstyle is suitable for any setting - both at work and on a fun party. If you want to make your own image less than official, it is enough to comb your hair and frighten them slightly. "

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