5 things to hide from children


Our children are one of the closest people in the family, but there are things that they do not necessarily know about their relatives. Some facts from your life can be shocked and even injured the rapid psyche that in the future there can be a lot of problems in the future. We have collected five main points that are not allowed to communicate with the child.

The child dedicts parents

The child dedicts parents

Photo: unsplash.com.

Intimate life of parents

Your sex life should begin and end behind the bedroom threshold if a child lives with you. And no matter how much a child, even a teenager should not be aware of your loved ones with your husband behind closed doors. If a child starts this topic, mischievous and do not deepen into the topic - try to cost common phrases without specifics. Of course, this does not mean that you cannot exercise tenderness with a child, but it must be exclusively innocent hugs and kisses, nothing more.

Bad habits

We try to protect children from the evil influence of peers: throwing away cigarettes, do not let friends on the threshold, we roll the scandals when the child returns to late home, but at the same time you allow yourself to smoke, swear and drink alcohol in the presence of a child. Moreover, you will not be able to deceive the teenager, even if you all do it outside the house, in this case you will only undermine the confidence in your person, having lost the authority in the eyes of the child. If you can't handle the negative habit, let us understand that such a way of life brings you only disappointment.

Never criticize the child

Never criticize the child

Photo: unsplash.com.

Do not ride scandals in front of the child

The child at the very beginning of life deigns his parents, he cannot imagine that these people are capable of betrayal or causing pain. Therefore, do not pull the child into your tense relationship, if there is such a problem. Your baby is absolutely not necessary to know who you consider his father, what characterization you give him. For a child, both adults represent an incredible value, so that with their squabbles you will only contribute to the development of neuroses in a growing body.

Do not criticize the child

In each of our familiar person, albeit like that, as your own child, we see some negative features that can annoy and completely not fit your ideals. But this does not mean that it is necessary to express their discontent in a sharp form, try to understand your child, why it comes exactly, and not otherwise. Remember that any criticism is able to destroy and so unstable self-esteem, especially in adolescence.

Clarification of relationships in children is not the best idea

Clarification of relationships in children is not the best idea

Photo: unsplash.com.

No negative towards relatives

As in the case of disassembly between parents, you should not pull the child with the subtlety of your unpleasant relationship with your husband's relatives or your own. Very often angry mothers prohibit the child to communicate with uncles, aunts, grandparents simply because she personally does not make up mutual understanding with these people. The child is not obliged to stick to your point of view, because it is only yours. So, any accusatory conversations relatively close relatives are better to postpone the arrival of the girlfriend, and not to make them a drinking topic when the child sits down to dine after returning from school.

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