How to wean a child nibble nails?


Funny nails are, firstly, ugly, secondly, such kids may have problems with social adaptation and health, thirdly, in most cases - this is the real symptom of neurosis and stress in a child, writes

Let's deal with why our babies begin to dress up nails and how to help them cope with this problem, together.

Most psychologists believe that harmful habits, especially the desire to nibble nails - this is a kind of projection of the emotions and the feelings of the child. This means that he simply "torments" himself for something. As a "something", parental reproaches can act, and the pressure on the baby so that he led himself, as parents want, read the book when he doesn't want this at all, and comparing a child with other children ...

But not only the reproaches of parents can be the cause of this harmful habit. Often the kids themselves are unhappy themselves, and as if they punish themselves for any provinces. The reason for this may be the experiences of a child associated with the problems of its social formation in society. It is quite possible, he is teased in kindergarten, he cannot stand up for himself in the yard or he does not work correctly build a friendly relations in school. Of course, such a kid behavior cannot remain unnoticed, and every parent seeks to save his child from this bad habit. But it must be remembered that "fish is rotting from the head", so first of all it is necessary to help the child to resolve its psychological difficulties and adapt to the world around him.

In addition to the reasons, this "ugly" habit has and consequences. First, it affects the position of the child in society, because the kids who nibble nails are becoming the subject of ridicule and reproaches among the peers. And the time here plays a not better role: the further, the more difficult the child to give up this habit, and even adults, without giving themselves the report in what they do, continue to suffer from her.

Secondly, this problem has another danger. The child suffering from a similar habit is growing nail plates of the wrong shape, constant sowing barns appear on their fingers, so you can simply forget about the healthy growth of the nails and neat the hands of the baby. In addition, the bustled skin around the fingers can be inflamed and become a hearth to penetrate the infection. Yes, and the constant swallowing content under the nails of the child will not add, because there can accumulate a large number of pathogens, worm eggs, cracked epithelium ... and the worst thing is that this list can continue to infinity.

Thirdly, "thanks", the child has developed dental problems with the child's oversized nails. With constant pressure on the same tooth, in the periodontal - the complex of the tissues that perform the amortization function - inflammation can begin, similar to periodontitis. At the same time, to cure this disease in children is very difficult due to the anatomical and physiological characteristics of their organism.

What nibble nails madly harmful already understandable. But how to wean a child from this habit?

It is worth remembering that it will not be possible to get rid of it to immediately, so beholding forces and patience. Psychologists argue that it is impossible to scold a child for what he has this habit. As soon as the baby begins to nibble nails, it is necessary to think about what it bothers him. And only after the reason looks out, it is necessary to start working on its elimination. Of course, the process of getting rid of it is not fast and not easy, but it is not at all reason to let everything on samonek. After all, sometimes the reason can be imprisoned in attention shortage. Thus, the child is trying to attract him to himself, and if it does not work, it helps him to calm down in the spraying of nails.

If the baby has anxious mood, he has stress, it is important to pay more attention to him, to show more care and affection. If a child is quite an adult, then you can come up with a common cause, which will have to taste. It is best if it is associated with needlework - drawing, embroidery, smearing, beading, etc. Due to this, the nervous system is redirected to another goal, and the child just forgets about the habit.

Kids can give special anti-stress toys with filler, as well as transformer toys from which you can do anything. The principle of action of such toys looks like a needlework - the baby is passionate about the game, and there is no time to remember about habits.

In some cases, assistance and work of the psychologist: during a session, a psychologist teaches a child to replace the habit of gnawing the nails to another, more useful habit - for example, draw their alarms and sensations. In the course of drawing, the doctor asks leading questions, and the child, without understanding, tells about his problems.

Sometimes it works and motivation. For example, a condition can be put in a child: a rejection of the harmful habit is a monetary remuneration or implementation of any cherished dream. The more welcome the subject, the greater the percentage of the probability of success.

Another, quite effective method, but, unfortunately, only for girls, can be a manicure with her mother. A few days before the scheduled date, his mother should focus on their nails in every way. After the child's procedure, only one desire will remain - to maintain the beauty of your nails. And parents, in turn, should intelligibly explain the baby that the bad habit spoils the nails.

Of course, the solution to this problem has a medication method. But it is necessary to resort to it only if other methods do not help. In pharmacies and specialized children's stores sell special varnishes or creams that are applied to the nails. They have a bitter taste, so the child is produced by reflex. But it is important to correctly explain his reason: the baby is worth saying that bitter taste is not because of varnish or ointment, namely because of the harmful habit.

But, if all the methods of combating small "rodents" listed above did not help, it is worth contacting a specialist, because this habit may be a sign of a very serious illness.

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