Art therapy: 4 ways to gain balance in creativity


In the noisy and anxious world, it is important to find time to forget about the hurry, relax and release emotions. Creativity helps in this - the ability to draw and create something with your own hands, whether it is a painting with oil or a clay doll. We will analyze several art technicians who will help comprehend the feeling of rest.


Have you ever heard a soothing creaking feathers about smooth paper? Calligraphy process - real meditation. For such aesthetic letter, you can choose a handle with interchangeable cartridges. But if you want to fully dive into the atmosphere, spread the ink bottle or liquid carcass on the table.


Sounds of paper, fine work tools will allow you to immerse yourself in the process and focus on it. So art helps us to achieve "flow" - a special mental state, when we are fully focused on our business, feel a feeling of lightness and self-confidence.


Watercolor's watercolor, like the ocean, the most oppressed. Translucent watercolor is not easy to tame, but everything gets easier if the will of the paint is given: sometimes they choose themselves, with what colors it is mixed and how to look on paper. The art of watercolor teaches not to rush, give away the will of events and be susceptible to any movement of the brush.


A set of solid paints is a good start for the development of watercolor painting. Do not forget that the selection of shades is important: yellow color gives activity and reveals creative abilities, orange - creates a positive mood, and blue and pink - soothe and relax. In any case, all these colors will help capture the beauty of autumn.

Oil painting

Another way to relax your nerves and show your individuality. You will need soft oil paints and tools: brushes and mastikhin - a small blade for mixing colors or removing dried paints. You can choose oil paints on art market. For example, the red pencil network has both single tubes and kits up to 24 colors with brushes, masticines and palettes.

Try to draw something simple: familiar landscape or object in the kitchen. Or just smooth out the paints with a mastichine, creating a night sky or mountain, - it is incredibly soothing.


Try to express yourself in the form of smears: wide or thin, volumetric or flat. With the help of paints, it is much easier to convey your thoughts and emotions. When we try to express feelings verbally, I miss something: we can not pick up the right words, the thought is distorted. Paint and canvas help splash out what is accumulated inside, and finally exhale.

"Meditation is a conscious living room," says the artist Ksyusha Rain. - Every time, plunging into the state of the Creator, I feel freedom. This is my world in which I can create anything. There are no rules and borders here, you can all! I get great pleasure from the drawing process itself, the picture is the natural result of the process. Here everything is as in life - the path is more important than the goal. "


Sensory activity not only develops small motility of hands, but also helps to cope with emotions. You will need a mass for modeling or clay and a set of stacks - sticks from plastic or wood (they will remind you of labor lessons at school). To make it easier, select a material that freezes at room temperature. It will be possible to create a fashionable decor for home, necklace from beads or a toy similar to porcelain products.


The process of modeling turns into a kind of escape from reality. So the Franco-American artist Louise Bourgeois told that in childhood it created tiny sculptures from bread - it helped her to cope with anxiety.

Drawing and modeling - this hobby, for some reason we leave in childhood. Meanwhile, they are so needed by adults. This notices Evgeny Korzhukov, director of advertising and marketing network of art stores Red pencil: "Remember how it was great to draw when we were 3-5 years old? It's still great, just for some reason they stopped doing it. Drawing allows not only to relax, distracting and dumping, but also know yourself from a completely new side. You only need to try! ".

Do not tune yourself to the fact that you will not work. The main thing is to concentrate on the process itself, and not think about the result. Focus your senses: listen to the sounds, feel the smell of paint, feel the brush in your hand. Then the head will become a little clearer, and in the soul - calmer.

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