What to do with stretch marks on the stomach


Stretch marks - Problem number 1 for a huge number of fair sex representatives. This problem faces not only after pregnancy and childbirth. The main reason for the appearance of stretch marks is hormonal failures, a sharp set and relief of weight, the reception of some drugs, for example, steroids. It can be unambiguous to say that the stretching of beauty is not added to the body, and it is worth getting rid of them exorbitantly efforts. What to do with them?

Start a conversation about this common problem follows that stretch marks are a modified fabric, and this is exactly how it creates the main difficulties in the fight against them. Stretch marks are not part of the epidermis, it is a scar cloth. Moreover, the main problem of this scar tissue is that it is very thin, shaky and wrinkled. Stretch marks not only spoil the appearance in the place where they appear, but also structurally make this zone loose and ugly.

So get back from the scar tissue epidermis is problematic, the fundamental task that has to solve specialists in the fight against stretch marks is the skin seal in order to overcome the declaration and make stretching less noticeable. We remind you that all the following procedures should be done only from specialists who have previously passed the consultation. In this publication, we are all the information that there are ways today, but we do not call for something one. Help choose the right way to solve a professional is the doctor who you trust and which has a license for conducting procedures.

What works well with skin flabbiness?

1. The most elementary means of fighting stretch marks that are in the arsenal of any cosmetologist-aesthetist are Mesoroller and Dermapen . These devices, of course, will not help to cope with the problem, but they can be called auxiliary methods for the fight against stretch marks. There are also mesocliers for home use.

2. Michelel therapy . Micards have a mechanical impact on the skin. Having damaging the skin with their help, we enhance the inflow to it with plasma rich in erythrocytes. If we actually affect the skin and stimulating serum, we will get a double effect of the procedure. Micards can be used together with radio wave (mic champional radio wave lifting). Radio waves heats the tissue, evaporates the liquid from the old untenable collagen and stimulates the production of new collagen and elastin, thus improving the condition of the epidermis.

3. The introduction of drugs . Leadership in this case belongs to collagen. Introducing it subcutaneously, we stimulate the production of our own collagen. In addition to collagen, a good effect in the fight against stretch marks can be obtained by introducing peptides and other growth factors, which also have a stimulating effect on the skin. Preparations with collagen, peptides and growth factors are introduced directly under Stria, sealing them and making less noticeable.

four. Laser grinding CO2. - One of the most popular ways to get rid of stretch marks. CO2 fractionally damages the skin, leading to the fact that the damaged epidermis zones alternate with intact, which contributes to the stimulation of collagen and elastin production, epidermis sealing and replacing old tissues to new ones.

five. The introduction of plasmogel. This method did not find more propagation in mind the complexity of the preparation of the active substance. However, this procedure has obvious advantages: the gel is manufactured from the patient's own purified plasma. Plasmogel contains a huge amount of platelets, which are the main growth factors, therefore contribute to rapid regeneration. Agrotying Stryia Plasmogel, we not only fill them with, but also give a long stimulation of tissues. Plus, plasmogel has a yellowish-based color, which helps to visually smooth the severity of Striy. Plasmogel is not held in tissues for a long time (on average month), but at the same time it has a storage effect. With each subsequent introduction of plasmogel, its exposure time will double.

Madina Bayramukova, Plastic Surgeon

Madina Bayramukova, Plastic Surgeon

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