Fan in front of: How to correctly and effectively strengthen weak eyelashes


Probably, many girls will agree that natural eyelashes that can boast - one of the best "compliments" of nature, not counting dense and strong hair. But in life, thick and long eyelashes are not so often, and quite often we see extensive hairs, which today you can choose any length and shape in the neighboring beauty salon. You ask: "Is there a way to get the same eyelashes as in the lashmaker's chair, but only your own?" Of course, it is impossible to promise anything, but we can tell a few ways that do not give 3D effect, but make eyelashes much longer and stronger.

Vitamin and oil mask

Yes, yes, you can also make masks on the eyelashes as on face and body. We all know that one of the best and, most importantly, the effective components to strengthen the eyelashes is oil. And if you add it with liquid vitamin, the effect will be where as noted. To prepare an effective mask for strengthening, we will need a mixture of oils, such as castor and therapy, as well as a few drops of vitamin A. with a cotton wand carefully rub the composition in the roots of eyelashes so that the oil does not grow up and does not fall into the eyes. It is best to make such a mask before bedtime, when you are no longer going to apply makeup.

Eyelash extensions - one of the most popular procedures

Eyelash extensions - one of the most popular procedures


Mask from Yaitz

Super-platter, which is necessary to maintain the excellent condition of the whole organism - egg. The thing is that eggs contain vitamins of group B, and they play one of the key roles in almost every online system. Maintaining a sufficient level of vitamins in the body allows you to cope not only with hair loss, but also helps to strengthen eyelashes. The egg mask is very simple: mix one raw egg with one tablespoon of glycerin, we apply the composition on the eyelashes and leave for half an hour. We wash off warm water and, if you wish, we apply a plumbing oil with a thin layer. We repeat the procedure every other day.

Tell me "no" carcass

If you notice that eyelashes on unknown reasons begin to fall out or become brittle, although you cannot complain about the body's condition, most likely, the problem lies in your cosmetic agent, most often trouble causes the mascara. Watch the reaction of your eyelashes to your usual mascara: If you notice that at the end of the day, when removing makeup, the eyelashes are tremendous as the old Christmas tree, there is a reason to think about changing the carcasses or even an exception to her everyday makeup for a while you are engaged in the recovery of eyelashes .

Carrot juice

One of the main "suppliers" of vitamin A is fresh carrots. Not everyone loves to eat carrots in the raw form, but nothing prevents you from making a super plastered carrot mask for eyelashes. We are preparing this: in 50 g. Carrot juice add a couple of drops of olive oil of any prescript. We apply on the eyelashes several times a day (we use in the morning only if you are not going to go anywhere) so as not to wash the composition, we apply it to the eyelashes with a thin layer. After a couple of weeks of regular use of the mask, you will notice improvements - the eyelashes will be visually thicker and stop falling out.

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