Flax seeds: beneficial properties and contraindications


Latin flax name sounds like "most useful." And indeed it is. Linen seeds are a storehouse of nutrients. They contain a large number of Omega-3 and Lignan. The latter are phytogorms and, if you believe the studies of the National Cancer Institute (USA and Canada), can be used as a breast cancer preventive agent. Also, the seeds are enriched with selenium, whose deficit is often observed from the city inhabitants.

This product normalizes the intestinal operation and purifies the body from toxins, cholesterol and carcinogens.

Also, seeds are used for weight loss, and, as many reviews say in Internet networks, they act quite effectively.

It is useful to eat flax seeds during pregnancy. The product contains a fiber that helps to avoid constipation, and the large content of lecithin and vitamin B will strengthen the nervous system.

Use these seeds is better in the morning. Add them to kefir, porridge, yogurt or cottage cheese. Due to its antibacterial properties, they help the body fight with various bacteria and viruses in the winter.

But with all the benefits of this product, you need to remember about contraindications. You should not use flax seeds to people who have hypercalcemia.

Also do not store seeds under direct sunlight so that oils in their composition are not oxidized and have not formed carcinogenic peroxides. With the slightest bitter aftertaste, they should be thrown away.

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