Semyon Slepakov: "Creation after marriage is working less"


- Semyon, when you hear what is called a bard, it is already perceived as a joke. After all, bards in general understanding - they sing somewhere at the Pershushinsky festival. Or did you manage to modernize this concept?

- I started calling me a bard, because Garik Martirosyan represents me, so I did not come up with it. And I treat it as a given: once I started, let them call. After all, who is such a bard? This is a person who writes songs and executes them, and for this definition, many can come up. It is only in our country, it has acquired importance when, with the word "Bard", everyone represents bearded unuses in the kids who sit by the fire or sleep in sleeping bags.

"But the author's song is still not alien to you." Your mother somehow said that in childhood you loved Vysotsky and Ocudzhawa.

- Vysotsky and Okudzhava has nothing to do with those who sing at the Pershina Festival do not have. They are absolutely autonomous and independent poets and musicians. But under the definition of bard is also suitable. Just John Lennon, and Paul McCartney, and even Robbie Williams. Because he also writes songs himself and executes them himself.

- You have been playing a piano and guitar since childhood. And where did your passion for music begins, who infected you?

- On the piano, I did not really love to play - I was forced to play my parents, I myself did not remove any of these classes. Then already, in high school, I started playing the guitar. And he learned me to music dad. He put "Bitles", "Rolling Stones", "Ice Zeppelin", Stevie Wander. Those musicians whom he himself listened and whose plates were at home. But also sang the songs of Vysotsky, and Okudzhava, whom you remembered. In general, I gave me the right direction in development. And the first song, which I played on the guitar was the song Vysotsky, and on the piano - "yesterday". Dad showed me how to play her.

- That is, music in your work appeared before the jokes?

- It all developed in parallel, because I really loved watching "KVN" on TV, and soon we began to play it and at school. Then the music and humor met at one point.

- But songs, probably, have you started writing like a balobiness, without thinking about their future listeners?

- Not. Songs I once wrote good and lyrical, it's quite in young years. I wrote romantic poems, then it threw this thing. And the fact that I perform in a humorous show is already invented specifically for this program for this program, for a specific viewer. That is, it was already working in a given format.

- And your sense of humor, it is probably, including the hereditary, since your rosium grandfather, Jacob Kostyukovsky, was a screenwriter of famous domestic comedies. Or are you by yourself - talented and unique?

- I do not know how talented and unique I am. (Laughs.) And as for Jacob Aronovich, he was really the author of almost everyone comedy Gaidai, and I still managed to communicate with him several times. To her age he managed to preserve the amazing sharpness of the mind and a sense of humor, it was very interesting with him. Moreover, with him even the birthdays coincided - August 23. Yakov Aronovich died two years ago. In general, I do not know whether it is hereditary or not. You can only guess.

Career Seeds began with the game in KVN: Once he was the captain of the team of Pyatigorsk team. .

Career Seeds began with the game in KVN: Once he was the captain of the team of Pyatigorsk team. .

- But nature does not rest in any case. You are from the professorial family and at your own shoulders have two red diplomas. It turns out to have a proper sense of humor, you need to have a good education?

- I do not consider myself a fairly educated person. There are a lot of gaps in the formation that I would like to catch. But I agree that the more the person is educated, the greater he has a horizon. And this is not the last than you need to have to write scripts, joke and so on. But I know a lot of amazingly educated people who do not have a sense of humor and are pretty boring in life. On the other hand, there are military, policemen and people of other professions, often found to us in life, which can be so thin or express! And at the same time at all do not possess the same knowledge as, for example, a professor of philology. Therefore, in itself, a sense of humor and a wide range - these concepts are in no compatible.

- And you would fill the gaps in education in which area would you like?

- I would read the books more, the films looked classic. In fact, in childhood, I played football most of the time or hanging out in the yard. So the whole school program passed by me. And with such writers as Gogol, Tolstoy or Dostoevsky, I am actually not familiar. Yes, and with the classics of cinema, I also do not have everything well. So I would like to take leave for a year and read, see. I do not know when it works.

- But nevertheless, you decide to learn at once in two faculties. And with their two diplomas in French and economy, maybe, maybe a diplomat career.

- I do not know. (Laughs.) We have many of the institutions who are produced with red diplomas and then do something else. If you graduated with red diplomas Pyatigorsky State Linguistic University, this does not mean that you are waiting for a career diplomat. It is possible that you will stand in the Pyatigorsk market, because you need to make money somehow. And I decided to start just do what I myself like, and then I had already become done with this. Because somewhere inside felt that I need to do KVN now. But with the career of the diplomat - this is me, of course, mocked. There is no diplomat among graduates of our faculty.

- Even I wonder how the joke becomes a profession. After all, joking well to the place and in the case. And when you need to do on request and for a certain period - is it like? This is the creative process.

- Work is generally bad, it is better not to work. Each profession has its own difficulties. And now I will not take to analyze and say that the profession of humorist is more difficult than the profession of a doctor or any other. If you think about it, I would probably have no needed after three days of work. For example, I can not imagine how the waiters work, as they wear all these plates, and even at the same time listen to so many claims. And in our profession there is a huge plus: we do what they really love, and we are never boring.

- Do you feel in some extent a revolutionary on TV? You are involved in creating completely new formats.

- I do not know. Probably I do not feel. Because when I work, it is important for me to be funny to me and those people who trust me. Then it brings joy, then interest arises. But I do not make a revolution on television at this time.

- Comedy Club format is also updated from season to season. From your competitors from other channels, the reproaches are increasingly audible, that you are existing, the themes of jokes are repeated ...

- This opinion sounds since 2005, after the first ether. And it seems to me that even not all those people who are voiced by, at the moment are alive. But the program does not overeat. Although in general - the question is not to the address. He is rather addressed by Garic Martirosian, who is producer, and I am only a person who performs his songs there. Garik - a man with a unique sense of humor and a sense of time. He understands very well what is needed at a particular point, it feels all new trends and knows how they react. I have already repeatedly convinced that the whole project is built on its energy.

"You are grateful to him for being convinced of you to move to Moscow from Pyatigorsk?"

- Of course, I am always talking about it. Garik is my closest friend and senior comrade from Kavainov's times. He is an important person in my life, and I definitely advise him if I take some decisions. Give God health to him, his children and his wife.

- You somehow told in an interview that I still worry even before going to the scene ...

- I even worry a little bit when I give an interview.

- Is this such modesty or responsibility?

- Probably responsibility. I really responsibly treat everything. Sometimes I am too serious. I'm trying to get rid of it, but I do not know if it lives before that moment when I succeed.

The collection of the Showman Guitar already consists of eight tools. .

The collection of the Showman Guitar already consists of eight tools. .

"It seems to me that your public is so welcome you always meet that everything will forgive you on stage - and if you forget the words, and if you leave the upset guitar ...

- Well yes. Only they will not laugh. And so, of course, everyone will understand, do not curb vegetables and fruits from behind the tables. In fact, the public is quite merciless. This is a collective unconscious, which is quite objectively. If you take a brother of each person, it is completely subjective and will not necessarily react somehow correctly. And if you collect all the audience together in one room, they always laugh at the right time. But every time you still need to go out and once again prove that you are able to surprise them and laugh. And here everyone is different. I am worried, Harlamov, on the contrary, is always very calm and indifferent. And this is also a reception. Each makes it easier to him. With the public, of course, you need to be able to communicate so that she loved you. Although every time you still have the risk that she will not understand you, but it is interesting.

- Upsess if the viewers do not laugh at the new song?

- I rarely blame someone except myself. I think: it means that it was necessary to rewrite here, to sing in a different way. Or I just came out insecure, it also happens. Very rarely, I say that something did not work in the fault of the audience.

- That is, you externally you are a two-meter giant, and inside ...

- Externally, I remind an adult hippopotamus, and emotions are burned inside me.

- Is it easy to offend you?

- Well, hardly. You can upset, upset, but I'm offended by people rarely. Do not even take offense, but I draw conclusions. Although sometimes there were moments when I perceived everything to heart. I can upset. There is such a thing.

- Because of which?

- Well, why do you need? Now I will say, everyone will read and will try to upset me with this method. That's not enough! (Laughs.)

- And if someone composes the same song about Slepakov, how did you do about Okhlobystina or Arshavin, upset?

- Not. Especially since they can come up about me there? What does Slepakov write about all songs? In fact, the song about Okhlobystina is not about Okhlobystin at all, it is in principle about such a phenomenon that is described there. And Ivan Ivanovich there at all accidentally stamped. I then said him later, and he forgave me. And about Arshavin, I do not remember at all how it happened.

- I warned me that you are not very located to talk about a personal life, but everyone knows that last year you married. So the heart of a strong man still melted?

- Otherwise, I would not marry.

- The fact of marriage - did he somehow affect your creativity?

- influenced, because I am now working less creativity - I need to go home.

- Then, maybe songs about family life will now become even more?

- Yes, and so it was a lot. But here I do not know, everything depends on his wife. If you give reasons for inspiration, probably, the songs will appear.

"But it's probably if you devote my wife a song, she will not be negative as you sometimes compose about women ..."

- This is definitely. And then she will vomit me from home. (Laughs.)

- Semyon, and your parents do you feel about your work? Are proud?

- No, they refused me. (Laughs.) Especially since I wrote a song about Arshavin, because my dad is a fan of "Zenith". Kidding. Of course, my parents are proud and they support me, and thanks to their support, I get something to achieve something. I also support them and help.

- And they do not want to transport them to Moscow?

- Want. Highly.

- What did your parents told you when you were among your colleagues to President Medvedev?

- Well, what could they say? Mom said: "Oh". Dad said: "Well, tell me later."

- Semyon, how much do you have in the collection of guitars?

- The collection is loudly said. But the guitars eight, probably there. I just had a long time ago dreamed of different guitars, and suddenly I had the opportunity to buy them. But, unfortunately, it does not work much to play.

"But then they will certainly become historical specimens on which Semen Slepakov played, and you are inherited by children.

- If the guitars live up to this point. (Laughs.) There is a whole story - they need to moisturize, drag, still something. I still do not have enough time. But, of course, give. Why will they need me when I die?

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