The skin says: what problems will tell the largest body


The largest organ on the square is capable not only to protect us from negative external influence, but also serves as a kind of bearing that signals about malfunctions in the body, it is only necessary to recognize the signal that the body applies to us.

Rash and redness on the skin

If the skin's pallor can still be considered an option for the norm, then the rashes of a different nature always talk about malfunctions in the body. Moreover, the reasons for the appearance of unpleasant painting may be so much that a considerable amount of time can escape in search of an irritant, so the bult is ready. As a rule, the dermatologist clarifies what related symptoms you are worried: if the rashes are scratching, the likelihood of allergies or the development of dermatitis increases, also itchy redness can talk about infection or fungal lesion of the skin. A mansion at this point is an acne - the disease is a satellite of 80% of young people and periodically manifests even in adults, the reason is usually hormonal, and therefore the solution of the problem of acne disease will have to be solved comprehensively, not limited to a tremor.

Sudden moles

Probably there is no man whose body there is no moles at all, but when the amount or quality of moles begins to change, there is a reason to contact a specialist. As a rule, a large number of moles are determined by heredity, and yet each of us has to spend a little self-examination from time to time to change the shape and color of large moles, thus preventing the development of hazardous diseases like skin cancer.

Clean and love your skin

Clean and love your skin


Cracks on the skin

A fairly common condition of the skin is when cracks are formed on it that can deliver strong discomfort. Most often, painful cracks appear in the footsteps and fingers, but no less suffer and tender areas of the skin, for example, thin leather lips. The cause of cracks can be a banal avitaminosis, which is experiencing approximately half of the population of our country in the cold season. If you do not suffer a disadvantage of the vitamins of the group B and A, the possible causes of exceptional dry dryness can be diseases affecting metabolic processes in the body, for example, diabetes, gastrointestinal diseases and fungal lesions.

Red dots

At first glance, they resemble moles, but in fact their origin is radically different: most often the red dots are due to the disorders of the integrity of the vessels, and the reasons here can be many - from hormonal imbalance to failures in metabolic processes. Such points are called hemangiomes that are bloody-red spots, sometimes with thin branches. Many simply do not pay attention to them, but the consultation of the dermatologist in this case will not be superfluous.

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