Daughter Whitney Houston pregnant


The daughter of the famous singer Whitney Houston Bobby Christina Brown is in desperate position. "Several weeks ago it became noticeable that she was pregnant, and this is a big problem, because she again flew from the coils and her hard depression. Although at first, relatives did not recognize her boyfriend Nick, now everyone wants him to return to her. He is hardly the only one who can calm her. He always protects her and will not allow her to harm himself. Christina broke up with Nick in November, but now Grandma Sissi, Uncle Gary and Aunt Pat decided that they had to return Nick. They hope that he will be able to keep it from a rampant life. Christie still mourns mother and can not believe that it is no longer. Depressed Christina grew up with the approach of the anniversary of the death of Whitney. She went out of her own trifles. When she was tried to calm down, she was roaring or angry: "I do not need help. Get back from me! "Is friends are afraid that she will go in the footsteps of the mother. She even admitted what he was thinking about suicide, "the magazine" 7 days "quotes the Informant" Showbiz Spy ".

At the same time, the Bobby family did not approve of her choice of beloved. The fact is that Nick Gordon is a practically brother of the girl, since Whitney Houston raised him as his own son and young people literally grew up in the same house. Previously, there were rumors that the lovers even had chuckled, however, later young people broke up. Apparently, the cause was the pressure of the Brown family.

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