What are the stars come for?


MAKSIM did not recognize a trident

The actress was tried with one of the yellow publications, where it was published an interview with her former producer, in which he told how they were not only with the ward ran, but also saw alcoholic beverages on tour. The singer called it a dirty slander. She demanded a refutation, but never could achieve this. Moreover, the singer put up a bill of 50 thousand rubles - for legal costs. In addition to the "alcohol business", Maksim also filed a Russian social network for the illegal placement of her songs. And this time I won the case, receiving compensation.

Elena Malysheva. Photo: Gennady Avramenko.

Elena Malysheva. Photo: Gennady Avramenko.

Elena Malysheva fights against diet her name

The defendants in the case were the creators of sites and search engines on which the "diet from the Malysheva" is advertised. But Elena herself has nothing to do with these techniques. "People pay money for the unique right to use a diet named after me," the Teediva was indignant. The TV host has already met with representatives of Internet resources, where they are advertised by the alleged diet from the Malysheva, but before the final victory is far away.

Sobchak fights for gas

Ksenia Sobchak worries the gas question. She tries to gasify her office, but neighbors against. Actually, this is not surprising, because for laying pipes in the apartments of two families would have to break several walls. At first she tried to solve the question in peaceful way and even offered considerable money to residents of neighboring apartments, but they did not agree. Desperate, Ksenia filed to the court to the neighbors to get the official permission to such an extraordinary step. According to the latest information, the matter is still being considered, although it is nearing the junction. True, some believe that the opposition will be difficult to win the trial, as the building in which Sobchak makes repairs, refers to the category of houses representing historical value, and is also a monolithic building. According to rumors, Ksenia Anatolyevna also wanted to submit to one publication, published information that she underestimates his income in the tax declaration.

Valeria. Photo: Gennady Avramenko.

Valeria. Photo: Gennady Avramenko.

Valeria is suiced for beauty and safety

Not so long ago, the artist filed to the clinic of plastic surgery for using his photograph for promotional purposes. The merchants assured customers that Valeria their permanent patient, despite the way, the singer himself never happened in the clinic and even more so did not make plastic operations there. Perhaps the artist would not have understood so seriously to the fact of using the photo, if there were no unsuccessful operation, which Alena Galich actress did. She, like others, believed advertising with the participation of Valeria. As a result, the court of singer won. And then the start of litigation with the airline. Recently, the artist went to Naryan-Mar from Vnukovo Airport. Before the departure of the airline, the airline was changed to forbidden to the flights "Yak-42". The claims of the artist and the rest of the passengers did not lead to anything - I had to fly. But already on Earth Valeria filed to court.

Andrei Malakhov. Photo: Gennady Avramenko.

Andrei Malakhov. Photo: Gennady Avramenko.

Andrei Malakhov sudes the right to live overlooking the Church of Christ the Savior

The TV host came to court to the ordinary Moscow pensioner, accusing a woman in that she did not want to free his new apartment. Before that, the pensioner removed this living space and wanted to buy it, but Andrei managed to do it before. Malakhov tried to solve the question in peaceful way, but nothing came out. He could not kick for a pensioner, so he turned to the ministers of the law. They recognized that the woman lives in the apartment illegally, and evicted it, by rumors, with the help of the police.

Albina Dzhanabayeva protects his privacy

The soloist of the group "VIA Gra" Albina Janabayeva did not like the magazine article in which it was stated as if her breast was not so magnificent in his youth, so I had to wear a Push-Up bra. In addition, the article had hints on plastic operations, Botox injections and other procedures. Albina filed to the court, asked 3 million, but received only 100 thousand as compensation for interference in privacy. Recently, the singer came to the court also on the TV channel, trying to defend the rights to his image, but lost his business.

Tina Kandelaki. Photo: Gennady Avramenko.

Tina Kandelaki. Photo: Gennady Avramenko.

Tine Kandelaki paid for a spoiled rest

The TV host filed to a travel agency that sold her a tour that is not appropriate. Tina went to Mykonos Island, known not only by its beauties, but also expensive hotels. Therefore, when the sum of her vouchers amounted to several hundred thousand rubles, Kandelaki did not surprise it. The master was settled in the hotel's room, where the singer Shakira and a football player Gerard Piquet had once stopped. However, when the girl discovered the shape in the floor of the bathroom, and on the beach there are only six sun beds, which were increased demand, was disappointed and moved to another hotel. For him, of course, I also had to pay. Upon returning from the rest, Tina filed to court and demanded to bring 850 thousand rubles to her for a ticket and for the moral damage, because she never received a long-awaited holiday on Mykonos. The TV presenter won. The judge ordered a travel agency to pay her for a spoiled vacation compensation in the amount of 280 thousand rubles. As Kandelaki explained, she struggled not for money, but for the truth. And found it, which is very glad.

Nikas Safronov won the case against a prostitute

Nikis Safronov had to visit the court hearing several times. The most sensible case was the artist's claim to a certain Rosovchanka about the protection of honor and dignity. Mary Voskanyan, who, according to rumors, worked in the field of sexual services, accused Nikas in rape. She told a sachet-sorting history about dirty harassment from Safronov. Having heard such serious accusations to his address, Nikas immediately filed a court, which, of course, won without any problems, because there was no victim's evidence. The court ordered the slander to pay 300 thousand rubles, and the creators of the site, which posted the accusation of Mary, - 600 thousand. At this, the judicial stories of Safronov did not end. Recently, he also sued the group "Pussy Riot", for the fact that those used the image of Safron's face in the Pussy Riot roller burns Putin's glamor. "According to Safronov, he does not support the scandalous project actions, and therefore intends again Require compensation that can make a million rubles.

Stas Mikhailov. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

Stas Mikhailov. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

Stas Mikhailov does not want parodies

The artist expressed claims to the creators of the film, in which the Comedy Club resident Alexander Revva plays the role of singer Mikhail Stasov, surprisingly resembling Stas Mikhailov. Even the emphasis, which says Revva to the cinema, looks like Mikhailovsky. As a result, Mikhailov sued the film creators for using the artist's image without negotiation with him. The singer also outraged the fact that his image is completely implausible. Like, the singer wakes up at lunch, spends the lion's time in the spa and hears badly because of the hands-free phonogram at the concert. True, some of the leading lawyers considers such claims from the artist unreasonable, since the image shown in the film does not belong to the artist itself, and its name is not directly used.

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