Amaria: "After listening to the entry, we had a serious conversation with Kazarenskaya"


We are often used to postpone all tomorrow. It is easier for us to dream, as it would be in a matter of or another, than to take and really change something in your life. Almost twenty years, Amaria was a successful lawyer, leading serious and difficult affairs. And then unexpectedly took the guitar and went singing. Because I understood: this is her way.

"Every time, giving twenty years a serious and complicated case, I returned myself," she says.

- Your close girlfriend - Lyubov Kazarnovskaya. How did she react to your decision to become a singer? Did you support you? And maybe it was her idea? Did Friendship affect and communicate with it on your choice?

- At one of our meetings, the husband included the Kazarnovskaya recording of my execution of the song Adel. The result was a serious conversation and its recommendation to resume classes, a call to the famous teacher. And now for the fifth year I am engaged in vocals, without ceasing to be surprised at how many solid singing, what is an interesting and thin process and what results can be achieved if desired and work. Lyuba and Robert - brilliantly educated, insightful, loving her husband and colleague - both quite favorably respond about my songs, noting in them, first of all, the meaning of which is often not enough in modern musical material.

- And how did you, by the way, met the Kazarnovskaya? How did your friendship begins?

- I introduced the publisher Annates Rudman in 2010, rather soon we switched "on you," friends, and last year, the book "Love changes my dear friend." Love changes Lyubov Kazarnovskaya in a conversation with Amaryia Paradise "- our joint literary experience, which has developed amazingly easily, despite significant volume and serious, diverse content. But it happens when the relationship is real, sincere. I am very rushing.

- You have more books. Where else and passion for writing?

- About ten years ago, shocked by the story of my grandfather about one thing from his prosecutor's practice, I decided to write it down, and what came out, more resembled a ready literary work than a simple statement of facts. And I wrote a few more miniatures on those scenes that by that time my saturated life had already threw up, then it was still ... and I was lucky to show three stories to Eldar Alexandrovich Ryazanov. This happened thanks to our friendship with a wonderful person, the son of Emma Valerianovna, the last wife, and now the widow of the famous director. The name of this wonderful person is Oleg Berdyugin. Ryazanov was positive, and I decided to publish the previously written "on the table". So two collection collections were released: "Primroton" and "Primula", and in 2012 - "Lady do not move", where in dialogues with four mastitis psychologists we consider and annoying myths, that is, stereotypes about the relationship of men and women, and we are looking for answers On the eternal questions: who we are, what is love and where to look for it.


"I grew on rock music and love this genre"

Materials press services

- Let's go back to music. Although you are friends with Kazarnovskaya, nevertheless you sing not a classic, but rock. Why?

- I grew on rock music and love this genre. I can not say that I choose something, rather "something" chooses me: I do not manage the process of creating songs, - both music, and texts are born, I need to write them and arrange them. Famous person, professional, my producer Elena Chistova, watching my musical diversity before the start of our cooperation, - and I compose both folk, pop, and ethno, and jazz compositions, - during the year asked me the same question where In all this music, I am real. This question made me move forward, and it was the answer to him in the spring that the new material was, which, by virtue of the semantic content, cannot be arranged differently than in the classical one, you can even say the "mainstream" manner.

- When can I hear what happened?

- In December, the album "insomnia" will be ready, at the beginning of the year its presentation and related events falls. And, it seems, I came close to that stage when setting goals than I did throughout the conscious life, I am not interested. Music came, I give her to this beautiful world in the hope that she will find his listener.

- Tell me, how do you manage to combine work, musical career and writing activities with the upbringing of four children? Do you use nanny or, maybe your grandmothers help you?

"This is my favorite question that I usually answer like this: I was lucky." My husband supports me in affairs and work, we are generally like-minded life. My parents often spend time with grandchildren (her husband's parents are no longer there, unfortunately). Moreover, "spend time" is not just "invited to the holidays", no, they are actively involved in education, and in education. Nanny - Of course, with the birth of the eldest daughter almost immediately found, and in 18 years we have the second nanny, the first one was with us for ten years. I am very grateful to these women for their work, for their reliability. Thank you to parents. And, of course, when the business at one time is comma, I got the opportunity to dispose of my time and give more to children. And now it is possible to combine creativity and family life, probably even better than in previous years.

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