Andrei Barilo: "They see me in the role of rascal"


- Andrei, you were born in the city of Schäulya, in Lithuania, and at that time it was a marine abroad, compared with Russia mini-Europe ... are some nostalgic memories preserved?

- Sure. True, I then perceived everything as the norm. He adored delicious glazed cheese, candy "Grilyazh", black bread with Tmina from Riga. We often went to the capital of Latvia, as the borders did not exist, and she was only a hundred and twenty kilometers from a military town where I grew up; In addition, my older sister studied there. Each time the trip was a real holiday, I admired cocks on the towers, cats on the roofs ... Now, when I go there on tour, there is a strange sense of conservation, the invariance of the place arises. But, by the way, I first tried the same phantom in Moscow when we came here with parents during the Olympiad in the 80th year. It was such a significant day for me. (Smiles.) But when I in the 90th year at sixteen years arrived here, the feelings have already become different. In the Baltic States, everything is cozy, and in Moscow the scale was impressed, and then the crisis began immediately, there was no food ...

- Did you miss the house?

- Not. In addition, due to the national strife, which, by the way, was always in the Baltic States, even during my childhood, Lithuanian companies came to beat us, Russian guys, my parents and sister soon left for our relatives in the Krasnodar Territory, in Armavir . In Moscow, there was only an elder brother. He is a pilot of civil aviation, manages the new two-storey "Boeing". He was named after Yuri Gagarin. And me - in honor of Andrei Mironova, so I became an actor and serve at the Satire Theater, on the stage of which he once played.

- Outwardly, you are such an aestread type, and you will not even say that you literally rose at the airfield, where I served as an engineer of communication, Mom worked as a nurse, and you jumped with parachute with friends, flew on the glider, could determine the engine of the aircraft on the engine noise and you Removed a pilot career. Probably, now the height is not afraid and love to fly?

"If I lived in Hollywood, I would definitely take a license to piloting, would have bought a small plane and entertained at leisure, like some of my local colleagues. But we have a different situation. Plus, in some extent, I had enough adrenaline in childhood. We significantly jumped with a parachute from the aircraft in front of the school windows, on the form they always wore parachute badges, the sign of Batman, and this is still in the Soviet era, and once, at fourteen years, I almost died, miraculously planted my glider. Then the plane raised my glider without the engine, I was alone, without an instructor, I was pulled out, I conceded on ascending and downstream streams and suddenly realized that the height fell sharply. I hit the device, as required, the arrow fell, and it became clear that it was not an accommodation to his field. I shouted to fall somewhere on the wires, on the forest ... I began to sit on the nearest meadow with a farm, deployed the glider and saw the bottom of the piles and I fly right in their direction. Only in the earth itself it was possible to align the glider, not crawling into the farm and, putting one wing on the soil, such a circulation stop. So it was a pure luck that I did not suffer, I kept the glider and the farm did not disturb. Now on this airfield, where the guys and I spent all your free time, - Polygon NATO, and my excitement in another area - theater and cinema. Family always supported me in this matter. After all, I'm already in high school, where I was not the best student, I began to learn to play the guitar, on the accordion, and my other Leshe Leshes created a group, performed, sang songs Viktor Tsoi, "Nautilus" ...

- On the screen you give the impression of a non-emotional, impermeable subject. Are you so calm-neutral in life?

- I would not say. I am quite impressionable, but, like all scales, striving to equilibrium, harmony and tranquility. (Smiles.) I can't stand conflicts, scandals. If the youth was a maximalist, now I changed, some corners were smoothed. For me, the world and understanding began primarily.

Andrei Barilo. Photo: Vladimir Chistyakov.

Andrei Barilo. Photo: Vladimir Chistyakov.

- in the theater school them. Schukina, Vladimir Vladimirovich Ivanov, you studied with Maria Aronova, Nonaya Grishava, Anna Dubrovskaya, Vladimir Epifantsev, Kirill Pirogov, who later became the actual actor Fomenko's workshop. Why didn't you go with him to the legendary master?

- Probably, I could do it, but then I did not take any steps ... although I do not regret it. After all, in the third year, I played the scene of the famous satire, which was led at that time another famous Valentine of Plek, so I had the most rainbow prospects. And so far I am faithful to this theater, although, it is clear, it is already quite different than at the time of Mironov and Papanova. Alas, today almost all repertoire theaters lose scale, only the mythical image remains, which once attracted.

- Apparently, you are not from those who wrapped up by comrades with elbows will seek their role, walk on producers, directors, offering themselves ...

- Absolutely accurately. I have long been learned that this is a profession where you choose you. Just once in my life I caught fire, having learned that Nikita Sergeevich Mikhalkov is gaining actors to the film "Siberian Barber", and decided on the adventure - called a classmate, Seryazh Sereblov, who worked in Three TE, and asked him to show my photos to the agent for actors To have at least a chance to be invited to samples. Already after a few hours they called me, called for a view and approved the role of Juncker. But what was my surprise when I found out that Sergey had not even had anything to transmit anything and was not invalid to the event. Since then, I have done an artificial way to attract the situation. What is supposed, it will definitely happen, and my role will not run away from me. I believe in fate and in my senses.

"But in your biography there is no film that would instantly fired, and the next day you woke up popular." The recognition comes to you gradually, from the series to the TV series. Are you satisfied with such a slow mode?

- After graduation, there were clear prerequisites for the fact that this movement would be much faster. I have already been approved on a major role in the Polish film of Herzhie Hoffman, but the crisis prevented this, then I was called to Agnoshka Holly, and also did not come around. And on the samples of one American director, instead of agreeing with him, that Robert de Niro and Al Pacino - Genius began to prove that we have a person's cooler, like Oleg Dalya, Innokenty Smoktunovsky ... I agree, at some point My internal queries began to coincide with reality, but there is nothing terrible in it, it's experience. So my path is like that. I do not build a career strategically, I just work with full return and try to enjoy. Often I still refuse when I see a weak, boring material, even if they promise a good fee. Alas, but infrequently send good literature and what makes one hundred percent coincides with your mood that you like. I would like to play in the works of Nabokov, Bunin, Kupper, Chekhov, Falkner, Oscar Wilde, Boualersche. The desire does not disappear abroad, so now I am actively improving English. I admire Tarantino as a director. And among our closeness to me, what Zvyagintsev, teacher, Ursulak ...

Andrew admits that any other classes besides the acting, a complete catastrophe for him. And to open a restaurant for example, his own sister is not at all in his plans. Photo: Vladimir Chistyakov.

Andrew admits that any other classes besides the acting, a complete catastrophe for him. And to open a restaurant for example, his own sister is not at all in his plans. Photo: Vladimir Chistyakov.

- In Russian cinema, it is customary to be mercilessly exploited by the established role. What kind of paintings do you see directors?

- Not heroes-lovers. (Smiles.) Rogish, as a rule. Recently I played a crazy killer. Although recently there has been a much wider spectrum. And it's great - it is interesting to take on characteristic, complex, ambiguous roles.

- Then tell me what your latest work?

- In addition to the TV series "Zoya" and "Without Witnesses", I had a full-length New Year's picture Yuri Vasilyeva "Seller toys", where I starred with Pierre Richarom. And recently I finished filming in a two-sector TV film "Dasha". In addition, I look forward to the exit to the light of the tape Andrei Bogatyreva "Judas", where I play, sorry, Jesus. Not immediately, how to say, I consent, I thought ...

- And a lot of sins on you?

- Yes, sin. But I'm struggling with myself, with disadvantages.

- What are you especially proud of life?

- Two daughters. I have wonderful. Senior, Alexandra, seventeen years old, finishes school this year and is going to enter the directorial faculty in VGIK. Now she, having passed a small contest, is studying there on the preparatory courses. Sasha draws perfectly, makes sketches, stupid. The other day I sent me to read my first short meter scenario. At first I expressed her concerns - after all, the director's female is rare, but she is with a volitional character, therefore persevene. And I, confess, like her such purposefulness. The youngest, Fourteen-year-old Katya, also goes to art school besides the average, not indifferent to painting and seriously engaged in vocals. I was on her performances, and she sings really great. I do not know what will choose in the future, but the child is also creative. Genes apparently affect. (Smiles.)

"I know that you do not live with their mom, but are in a civil marriage with the actress" RESPONSIBLE "by Alexandra Solyankina. Will the victim of the service novel?

- Exactly. And before the first normal meeting on the set somewhere in a glimpse of a glimpse, we went around the circles, which is called, but carefully looked at each other only on the TV series "General therapy". On my part, this was exactly love at first sight. And for four years we are together. Sasha is just a natural angel that came down from heaven, and not only because blonde. (Smiles.) She is awesome - light, kind, wise. And I treat those who are confident that living together two people one profession is better than if they were from different fields of activity. Obviously, there are posses and cons, but still talking in the same language.

- You have Greco-Ukrainian-Italian roots ...

- Aleksey Vasilyevich Petrenko insisted on Ukrainian, and in Italian I constantly convince the residents of the Apennine Peninsula. And I highlight ITALY. This is a blessed edge, with a wonderful climate, architecture, food ...

- For some time you have an official metropolitan resident, with the help of the artistic director Alexander Anatolyevich Shirvindt acquired an apartment in the center of the apartment ...

- Yes, one-room, 35 square meters. But we have enough. I can even do something in her with my own hands ... But I don't even dream about a country house with a bath and garden - it's not mine. I am a fan of southern latitudes, the sea, the sun ... and I don't know how to save - usually quickly, without regretting the money and prefer to enjoy today's day, travel.

- For some reason, it seems to me that your leisure is lazy, probably, computer games are interested in ...

- You guessed. But I'm not a maniac, more than an hour, as a rule, I do not sit. For me, this is a way of psychological unloading. But I am not indifferent to companies. And yesterday, my friends and I remembered the past and played football. And if in childhood I was the champion of the city in football, then I unexpectedly discovered that I lost the qualification, I don't feel the ball, the breathers are missing, because of smoking, apparently ... a terrible feeling, so you need to train clearly more often. (Smiles.)

For help in organizing shooting, we thank the restaurant "Tent" (Chistoprudny Boulevard, d. 12 A).

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