In three deaths: Learn to keep your back right in any situation.


Problems with back and joints are disturbed by 80% of the inhabitants of a large city, which is not at all surprising, after all, we spend most of the time in front of the computer screen in the office, sometimes ignoring any painful urge. If you do not pay attention to your spine on time, such problems as a protrusion and hernia can become an unpleasant complication to most of life, and we do not need it, right? We thought and decided to collect recommendations that would help avoid the unpleasant consequences of the overvoltage of the back. Keep bookmarks!

How do you sleep?

Let's start with what choose the correct posture for sleep. Yes, yes, even in a dream, we manage to damage harm. Many prefer the "star" pose, which brings just a tremendous burden on the cervical spine. Do not do so. Experts recognized almost the ideal posture for sleeping, when you lie on the side with a slightly bent legs - so you help to relax the spine and avoid deformation.

Take off the body to the correct pose

Take off the body to the correct pose


We start the day right

After you woke up, do not hurry to jump and run to get to work: slowly take a vertical position, slightly stretch the spine, stretching your hands up, then straighten your back and try to hold it in this position at least ten minutes after sleep. Gradually, the body will be repaid to keep the back always straight.

More activity!

Weak muscles are simply not able to keep back, this is a well-known fact, and therefore it is necessary to study these most muscles, namely the abdominal muscles, butorous muscles, as well as the muscles of the back. Most often, power training does not allow sufficiently affect the necessary muscles who hold the spine in the right position, yoga or Pilates will come to your aid, the purpose of which is just a study of deep muscles, including muscles of the back.

How do you work?

It is equally important to correctly organize your workplace: install the monitor so that the screen is at about the eye level, and the chair on which you are sitting should have armrests and the back, repeating the natural outfit. Pay these moments at least a few hours a week to correct the workplace, and you will see how easy you will be engaged in your work affairs for several hours in a row without harm to your back.

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