Use in every drop: 15 ways to use coconut oil and become more


Coconut oil is incredibly popular - and not in vain. It has many health benefits, delicate taste and widely available. It is also extremely universal oil - here are 15 smart ways to use it:

Protect your skin from UV rays

When applied to the skin coconut oil can protect it from solar ultraviolet (UV) rays, which increase the risk of skin cancer and cause wrinkles and brown spots. In fact, one study showed that coconut oil blocks about 20% UV rays of the Sun. However, keep in mind that it does not provide the same protection as ordinary sunscreen, which blocks about 90% UV rays. Another study showed that coconut oil has the Sun protection factor (SPF) 7, which is still lower than the minimum recommendation in some countries.

At sea, the oil is useful for protection from the sun and beautiful sunburn

At sea, the oil is useful for protection from the sun and beautiful sunburn


Increase your metabolism

Coconut oil contains triglycerides with an average chain length (MCT). These are fatty acids that are quickly absorbed and can increase the number of calories you burn. Controlled studies have shown that the MST can significantly increase the metabolic rate - at least temporarily. One study showed that 15-30 grams of MST increase the number of calories burned on average by 120 per 24-hour period.

Prepare safe at high temperatures

Coconut oil has a very high content of saturated fats. In fact, about 87% fat in it saturated. This feature makes it one of the best fats for frying on high heat. Saturated fats retain their structure when heated to high temperatures, in contrast to polyunsaturated fatty acids contained in vegetable oils. Such oils like corn and safflower, when heated, is converted to toxic compounds. They can have a harmful effect on health. Thus, coconut oil is a safer alternative for cooking at high temperatures.

Kill the microbes in the oral cavity

Coconut oil can be powerful weapons against bacteria, including Streptococcus mutans, bacteria in the mouth, causing a dental flare, caries and gum disease. In one study, shepherding with coconut oil for 10 minutes - known as oil rinse - reduced these bacteria as efficiently as a rinse with an antiseptic means for rinsing the mouth. In another study, the daily rinsing with coconut oil significantly reduced inflammation and dental flare in adolescents with gingivitis (gum inflammation).

Get rid of skin irritation and eczema

Studies show that coconut oil improves dermatitis and other skin diseases, at least just like mineral oil and other traditional moisturizers. In a study involving children with eczema, 47% of those who received coconut oil, noticed significant improvements.

Improved brain performance

The MST in coconut oil is split into your liver and turn into ketones that can act as an alternative energy source for your brain. Several studies have shown that MST has impressive advantages in brain disorders, including epilepsy and Alzheimer's disease. Some researchers recommend using coconut oil as a MCT source to increase the production of ketones.

Prepare useful mayonnaise

Commercial mayonnaise often contains soybean oil and sugar. However, it is easy to prepare mayonnaise from coconut or olive oil. In the second recipe from this list, coconut oil is one of the fats for a useful homemade mayonnaise.

Moisturize the skin

Coconut oil is an excellent moisturizing tool, hands and elbows. You can also use it on your face, although it is not recommended for people with very oily skin. It can also help repair cracked heels. Just apply a thin layer on the heels before bedtime, put on the socks and continue every evening until the heels become smooth.

Can help in combating infections

The coconut oil of the first spin has antibacterial properties that help to treat infections. One study in the test tube showed that it stopped the growth of intestinal clostridium difficile bacteria, widely known as C. diff, causing heavy diarrhea. It also struggles with yeast - the effect that is usually attributed to the lauric acid, the main fatty acid of coconut oil. However, no studies have proven that coconut oil is effective in treating infections when eating or applying to the skin.

Increase your "good" cholesterol HDL

It was shown that coconut oil increases cholesterol in some people. However, its strongest and constant effect is an increase in "good" cholesterol HDL. One study with the participation of women with abdominal obesity showed that the level of HDL increased in a group consuming coconut oil, while it fell from those who consumed soybean oil.

Dark chocolate without sugar

Homemade dark chocolate is a delightful way to gain health from coconut oil. Just do not forget to store it in the refrigerator or freezer, as Coconut oil is melting 24 ° C. It is easy to find a recipe on the Internet and get started. To preserve health, look for recipes without sugar.

Can reduce fat on the stomach

Coconut oil can help reduce belly fat, also known as visceral fat, which is associated with elevated health risks, such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes. In one study, men with obesity lost 2.54 cm fat on the waist, adding 2 tablespoons (30 ml) of coconut oil to their diet. In another study, women who observe a diet with a calorie restriction were studied. Those who took 2 tablespoons of coconut oil per day, the waist amount decreased, while a small increase was observed in a group with soybean oil.

Apply oil on the hair to moisturize and strengthen them

Apply oil on the hair to moisturize and strengthen them


Protect hair from damage

Coconut oil helps to keep hair health. In one study, the influence of coconut oil, mineral oil and sunflower oil on the hair was compared. Only coconut oil significantly reduces the loss of the protein from the hair when applying before or after washing the head. This result was observed both with damaged and healthy hair. The researchers came to the conclusion that the unique structure of the Laurinic acid is the main fatty acid in coconut oil - can penetrate into the hair rod as it cannot penetrate the majority of other fats.

Reduce hunger and food intake

Triglycerides with an average chain length (MCT) in coconut oil can help reduce the feeling of hunger, which leads to a spontaneous reduction in the number of calories consumed. In a small study, a man who complies with a high MCT diet, consumed less calories and lost more weight than men who adhered to diet with low or medium mct content.

Improving wound healing

One study showed that rats whose wounds were treated with coconut oil, there was a decrease in inflammation markers and an increase in the collagen generation, the main component of the skin. As a result, their wounds were healing much faster. To speed up the healing of small cuts or scratches, apply some coconut oil straight on the wound and close it with a bandage.

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