Intars Busulis: "Love and regular sex helps to keep the form"


The recognizable voice, bright charisma and the very Baltic accent, which traditionally caresses the Russian ears. Intars Busulis after participating in such loud telenotes as "voice", "exactly", "three chords", has become almost native artist in Russia, and the attention of the local audience is clearly like.

- Summer months - traditionally hot time for artists. Tell us how and where do you spend your summer?

- I am now with your family resting in the hometown of Talsi, where my parents and parents live. Every summer we come here the whole family, I love to relax at home, in nature. Well, when the academic year begins, we are already in Riga again. Children we have big - they have schools, kindergartens, you need to learn. And, of course, I have many events in my summer, I will take part in the days of cities. So it is possible and relax, and work, if you can call the work, what we do.

By the formation of the intars of thrombonist and conductor of the Brass Orchestra, until recently, he remained a participant in Big Benda Latvian Radio

By the formation of the intars of thrombonist and conductor of the Brass Orchestra, until recently, he remained a participant in Big Benda Latvian Radio


- I know that you are engaged in music from childhood. When did you decide to make it a matter of life?

- I am on the formation of a thrombonist and conductor of the Brass Orchestra, playing trombone since childhood, he studied at the music school, then - in college. And the singing began somewhere in 2004 before the competition "New Wave". In general, I did not even do anything, except that I was a tractor driver when my father worked. I did something much then, but still parallelly engaged in music and even played a funeral.

- How exactly did you manage to change the vocal trombone?

- Spirits are very easy to switch to vocals, they proved many flutists, thrombonists, trumpeters. For example, Louis Armstrong was a trumpet. Many flatists who used smoking, speaking on technical jargon, also succeeded in this. Breathing technique is much better if you play on some kind of brass tool. I, of course, sang all my life, but for myself, however, the love of singing rearranged the game on Trombone. By the way, I recently played on it - back in 2015 I was a member of the Big Benda of Latvian Radio.

Elena Vaengi and Basulis's intars turned out to be a bright duet. Russian scope and Baltic restraint found each other

Elena Vaengi and Basulis's intars turned out to be a bright duet. Russian scope and Baltic restraint found each other


- You managed to work with many legendary composers, such as Raymond Pauls. What was this experience for you?

"We met in 2005, when the preparation for the" new wave "was followed, met with Maestro on the Latvian radio. Before that, I saw him only on TV, but Palez's songs and I, and everything around. Of course, it was exciting for me. On his seventieth, we recorded the album along with the choir. He is a very simple person, but in music knows what he wants, because it is easy with him. By the way, I had a chance to work and with Evgeny Yevtushenko - we recorded hits that are still asked to play at our concerts. Working with him was great happiness, I was very lucky.

- I know that you are also working with Elena Vaengoy. It is rumored that this lady has a difficult character ...

- If you take a person as it is, it becomes very easy to communicate. Lena really pulls a lot herself, she is a worker, but she is also a girl. Sometimes you can just ask: "How are you?" - And then everything becomes easier, and you can talk not only about music. We are generally when we meet, we are talking about music. We are united by a lot, we have common friends that we remember, discuss, joy on each other. In general, with Lena it is very easy to communicate. There is a stereotype that she is such a fighting, but in fact, to each person just needed his approach. And to me too, I do not immediately open.

Intars Busulis:

"At one time, I worked at the tractor driver, but always engaged in music. Even at the funeral playing"

- Intars, your appearance in the show "Voice" was very unexpected if you consider that you live not in Russia. Why did you suddenly decide on that?

- It can be said that by the time I was slightly stuck in my creative development, so I needed it. I myself was not interested in any contests, because I already participated in them. But one day met with his friends, friends of Lena Vaengy, who told me that there is such a project. It was a cool adventure, I got a lot of prizes and most importantly - emotional pleasure. Then there was a project "exactly" - another challenge that I threw myself. I was pulled out of the gray everydays from the wrong state in which I was stuck.

- How did you affect your career in Russian programs?

- Before I have never had concerts in Russia. Of course, we played for the new year or on someone else's birthday, but now my solo concerts are already going twice a year in St. Petersburg. And this happens the sixth year in a row.

Intars and Inga got acquainted with very young people and managed to keep excellent relations for all these years

Intars and Inga got acquainted with very young people and managed to keep excellent relations for all these years


- After the "Three Chord" show you also have a specialist in Russian chanson ...

"I used to know so much about the Russian chance." But in general, my slogan: the main thing is to participate. I did not won in any show in Russia, but in such competitions to think about some kind of victory, in my opinion, arrogant. So for me the most important thing - to keep yourself in the form: voice and physical, and the victory is not important. In general, I think I'm lucky in my life.

- How did the wife and children respond to your participation in numerous Russian projects?

- In my opinion, my children did not see these programs. In our family, the tradition does not discuss the music of the house. We do not talk about what is happening on the stage, my wife does not know where I'm going. And when asks, I answer briefly: a birthday, a wedding ... When big concerts, she can ask how everything went. I can assume that children could watch records with my participation on the Internet, but I did not talk about it anything. They even do not really ask what city I'm leuishing again. "Have you been to Düsseldorf at a concert? And we thought that you went to Russia, "here we have a dialogue. We have an easy attitude to this issue, I don't even bring any gifts from each trip.

Intars Busulis:

"I am very grateful to my wife for her exposure. We have been with her for more than twenty years together."


- At the same time, children have children. How do you combine endless trips with the education of the younger generation?

- oddly enough to sound, but everything can be time. In the summer it is easier to engage in children, because no one goes to school. When school time, they themselves raising themselves. Well, in the summer we try to be in nature. Time, of course, you need to find, despite employment. No other options. Father's title must be deserved. I can say a good father. My oldest son is seventeen years old, he will learn in the last high school class. Previously I studied in the musical, but now he is engaged in hockey. His more pulls in this direction. Emilia's daughters are now twelve, she has an actress, pianist, beauty. In general, all our children are very beautiful and talented, and all very creative. They have a wonderful rumor, they remember the melodies, know a lot of my repertoire, and it pleases. The youngest daughter Amelia is now five years old, she walks on dancing, she is engaged in ballet, soon she will have a speech, I will look at the results.

"I know that in your last year another important event happened - the birth of the sins. How is his successes?

- Our son and three months old, he walks, eats, sings, the voice shows.

- Will not be surprised if you already have plans for the birth of the fifth child ...

- It is enough. (Laughs.) There is a joke that after the third child does not matter how many children. But I do not want the teacher to tell my child in kindergarten, they say, the grandfather came for you. I want to be a young dad. Here I have an adult son, and I'm still young. It's great.

A little more than a year ago, Intars again became a young father. Now they have four children with his wife

A little more than a year ago, Intars again became a young father. Now they have four children with his wife


- If you need to leave for your wife somewhere, who helps take care of the kids?

"I don't know if it is possible to write about it, but when we need to go somewhere, then the children themselves look after each other. We trust them in this regard. But in general, we are very rare somewhere, if only in the summer, and in the winter there is no time: neither of us or children. I am very grateful to my wife, that she all supports it, we are already so many years together, more than twenty.

- At the same time you look very young. How is it happening?

- I would like to regularly play sports, but now somehow it does not work, although I like to run. I am also used to eat balanced food, not very fat. Once I did it ... And love and regular sex helps. (Smiles.) I try to think about how everything is fine, and the weight immediately leaves. All problems go out of the head, but I am psychologically stable.

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