Anna Delos: What Men want


1. Praise. Make compliments. Speak how beautiful it is, kind, smart, strong, generous. If this is not done, he can lose every desire to be so for you. What sense, if you do not appreciate? I heard from one of the girlfriends that allegedly a man can "intercepted" and raise self-esteem too much. But I let me categorically disagree - I will tell you that it is impossible to intercept.

2. Do not be afraid to ask. Male likes when they are asked. And how else to show their strength? If you can all yourself, a man can feel unnecessary, and no one wants to be unnecessary. Of course, if we talk only about gifts, a man can suspect a carriage in your relationship. It is necessary to ask absolutely everything: tell, give advice, raise something heavy, fasten the coat. Even those things you could do without it.

3. Men are terribly afraid of restrictions on their freedom. If he, for example, is used to playing football or communicate with friends on Saturdays, and you say that now on Saturdays you have a goal shopping, it can be very frightened. If you decide to join his life, do it gradually: ask when it is convenient to spend time with you, tell me that you want to go somewhere and go exactly with Him. Let's the maximum of freedom, and you can even say: Well, where are your friends? And why are you still not having fun? Believe me, he wants to be with you much more.

Anna Delos knows how to build a harmonious relationship with a man

Anna Delos knows how to build a harmonious relationship with a man

4. Try to find out the habits and desire of a man, and accurately perform them. For example, he likes coffee without sugar, then in the coffee you prepared for him, sugar should never appear. Or he does not like when you are brightly filtered, it means that it should not be brightly painted with it. If he loves the order of the house, you will have to contain a house clean. In general, you need to know its needs and close them.

5. Try to be him another, but not a companion. Do not try to solve his business questions or help him in those cases in which you cannot participate by definition. He must understand and know that in your relationship he is the main, but, accordingly, responsibility for your well-being on it. Many women decide so much for the man that he becomes unable to anything.

6. Always remember that men and women think absolutely differently. It should be. Therefore, always be feminine. Do not even think to carry a heavy bag. You just can't, and that's it. If your car is descended, call your man, let him solve the problem. And all this with a good mood. Simply: "Dear, there is such a problem, it needs to be solved. I myself can not, you know. "

7. Let men be mastered, they really want it. Now many women are afraid to ask for something, to show weakness, and this is a big mistake. As I said, if the men do not ask a lot and often, there are only two ways: a man will think that he is not particularly necessary for you that you and without it do not know everything in everything. He can simply not see a woman in you. And the second option: a man will relax and stop doing something, because he has such a super-sung, which can everything. I think not one of these options you do not like. Therefore, cute cilia and repeat the phrase: "Dear, you are the strongest, smart, I believe in you. You will succeed. "

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