Preparing a cake for Defender of the Fatherland


Simple recipes

From the chef Marina Kalinina

The desire to prepare something tasty and the original often disappears when you read a complex recipe and understand that it will take it almost all day, and the result is not fully guaranteed, especially for inexperienced cooking. But the recipe is not a dogma, but creativity! Sometimes it can be easily simplified without prejudice to quality, and it is possible, on the contrary, take the idea of ​​a simple recipe and, adding the original ingredients, to get what will become not only the decoration of the table and the preservation of the stomach, but also pleasantly surprise your loved ones. We will publish on Only verified recipes that can be taken as the basis of delicious and beautiful dishes.

The celebration of the Defender of the Fatherland is very close.

Surely for the festive table, many would like to prepare a simple, but tasty and low-fat cake. This is just the corresponding ancient Spanish recipe "Tarta de Santiago". This cake was invented in the monastery of St. Jacob in Santiago de Compostell. By the way, from almonds prepared not at all of the gourmet considerations, just in the spring, when flour ended, almond nuts were shown. Such is the flour for the poor. Cooking options for this cake There are a large number, but we chose the easiest, dietary and proven repeatedly.

You will need:

225 grams of almonds (almond flour)

225 g of sugar

4 eggs

Zestra 1 Lemon.

½ h. L. Corn

You will need:

Baking form 20 cm (better detachable).

Process of cooking: Mix at 225 g of sugar and almond flour, add the grated zest of one lemon. If this is almonds, then a blender grind in flour. You can use both fried and just dried almonds. Lemon before this is desirable to wash well with the brush and wipe dry.

Pour half teaspoon cinnamon, mix well and add four eggs.

It is not necessary to beat the eggs with a mixer, just mix with a fork.

The finished dough is to pour into a lubricated oil and flourged shape. To make it easier to remove it out of the form, you can lay the parchment paper for baking cut in size.

The furnace at a temperature of 170 from 45 minutes, the cake will evenly rise and will be light brown.

Pie to transfer to the grille and give to cool. Sprinkle with powdered sugar, when it is still warm, then it will be better to stay. For it, it is necessary to put a stencil on the cake and sprinkle with sugar powder through a sieve, so it will fall uniformly.

Here you can download the stencil for the drawing of the cross, which is decorated with this cake in Galicia.

Other recipes for our chef look at Facebook page.

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