Judi Dench: "Humor's feeling - the most attractive male quality"


Judy Dench is already eighty, but she is full of strength, and it is possible to rest in the positive confusion. Actress is not accustomed to playing strong women, and its character, charm and intelligence still attract men. It is not surprising that she lasted so many years as chapter Mi-6. Perhaps you can safely go into intelligence!

1. About work

My first role was to portray snail on the school matinee. Father independently made a huge sink for me, with whom I crawled back and forth on stage.

Theater has become my passion! I always had more to the scene on stage, and not fill on the screen. I want to see real people, hear their reaction, laughter. Although the most sincere emotions, I only show the mirror in my dressing room.

I live not for the sake of recognition and awards. It is much more important to bring a story to the viewer, to cause laughter or tears, show that every person lies the whole world of different shades. And the figurines simply decorate the shelf in the living room.

Love for acting in my blood. My father was an amateur actor, and the brothers played in the school theater. Following Brother Jeffrey, I went to theatrical circle. In fact, in childhood I wanted to become a dancer, and not an actress.

I do not read scenarios myself. Usually it makes my daughter, someone from friends or agent. When reading out loud, my fantasy draws entire pictures, creating a film in my head.

A hundred years ago, on one of the auditions, I was sorrified by the fact that my face, it turns out, not for the screen. There were times when the appearance was in the first place.

2. About the family

To be honest, I wanted six children But when my daughter was born, my husband sent me to work - they say, I will die at home from boredom. So I have only one-only daughter. But she, in my opinion, succeeded in glory. In addition, I have grandson, thirteen gods and many animals.

Husband, daughter, my parents - we lived together in the same house. It was my idea - to care for them and raise the daughter. I did not want the mother to live a century in the nursing home.

I live in the village on the border of Kent, Sussex and Surrey in the old house. The daughter with the grandson constantly coming to me. And so here I am alone with a dog, two cats and one very lively goldfish, which I even made an artificial respiration a couple of times.

I first got married at thirty-six. If we didn't do this, Michael would have remained my best friend, although the secret of family happiness lies in it, as it seems to me.

3. About health and appearance

I have very weak eyesight. I can no longer read. I can not draw, as before. I'm trying to watch movies, but it is difficult.

Usually I madly worried, speaking on stage. Now I feel calmer. In front of me just the outlines of the hall, but I no longer see people. I remember, I asked assistants: And what, there was no one on the upper ranks? Then it turned out that in fact all the tickets were sold.

I love my wrinkles ... In addition, my agent will be in rage, if I download Botox, - I will also stop offering the roles of bored old women!

I recently heard the radio interview with a woman who was five years old. Naturally, I was waiting to hear a weak trembling voice, but it turned out to be solid and melodic. She said: "I understood one thing: With age it is impossible to stop , because I will never have a chance to return to something again. "

4. About me

Carpe Diem is my motto. With Latin translates as "catching the moment." I even made a tattoo with these words on the wrist. Rather, the daughter gave me her last birthday.

In the life of each person there are events that transform it. For me, such a coup was a trip to India. You know, before the phrase "We were near", I understood how "held hands." And now it came to me that you can "hold hands", even if kilometers are separated and you are in different countries.

Pension - crucial word in my dictionary like "old age". After eighty life, in my opinion, it just begins.

I think, Humor's feeling - the most attractive male quality . And now I have a wonderful cheerful friend. I do not call him a partner, I do not like this word. Partners are in dancing. And David I consider my boyfriend!

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