Shower for the Soul: What is dangerous frequent water procedures


It would seem that the problems can the standard morning procedure be brought from which the day of almost everyone begins? Dermatologists warn: if there are no serious health problems, the optimal number of soul visits is once every two days.

Water should not be hot

Water should not be hot


In fact, the shower is necessary to get rid of the excessive amount of bacteria on the skin, which, with a large cluster, harm the body. However, along with harmful bacteria souls wash off and useful, which support the skin in good condition.

"Indications" to the frequent reception of water procedures from:

- athletes.

- residents of the southern regions.

- employees of some industries.

What is the danger of frequent soul?

In addition to getting rid of all kinds of bacteria, the hot souls wash off the natural coating of our skin, which helps maintain the optimal water balance in the upper layers of the skin, not letting eat. Therefore, the frequent visit to the shower can lead to various problems, for example, irritation may appear, itching and even develop eczema.

The fact is that our skin maintains a sour Wednesday, so any alkaline compositions that you apply on the skin completely destroy the natural pH, and this is a direct way to get a "good" portion of harmful bacteria and viruses.

Frequently visiting the shower can talk about mental disorder

Frequently visiting the shower can talk about mental disorder


is it so bad?

It is exclusively about the hot shower and the use of aggressive cleansing agents for the entire body. As for hands, faces and other "strategic" places - their hygiene is obligatory every day. However, note that each part of the body requires its own tool - the face, for example, will not tolerate soap for hands, and the hands, in turn, will not be enough to purify with soft means for tender skin.

How can a specialist help?

In rare cases, a mental disorder can be the cause of the soul. It is expressed in a painful need to take a shower. Often you can even not notice the habit of staying in the shower for a long time, and this can serve as a "call." If you notice such a feature, be attentive to your state, and if necessary, consult a specialist. Often these disorders suffer from people with higher education and high level of intelligence.

Do not forget about overestimation

Do not forget about overestimation


How to take a shower without unpleasant consequences?

- No hot water! Only warm.

- Try to spend not too much time in the shower. 15 minutes will be enough.

- Do not use aggressive means for the shower - replace them with soft gels.

- If you're too thoroughly rub the skin, do not get anything but irritation.

- After the soul, be sure to apply a moisturizing agent by skin.

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