Vodonaeva will give men a bouquet of socks


One of the sexiest divas of domestic television screen Alena Vodonaeva This year, a unusual bouquet of men's socks will be presented with all their expensive men: "This year I did not really bother and decided to kill all the hares with one shot! And my hares - dad, husband, close friends and favorite 2-year-old son! For your loved ones, I will wash an unusual bouquet of socks, buying them 200 and I will give everyone! The technique of execution is satisfied Simple: with the help of a pin, the socks are fixed in the form of roses, then attached to the wand. Select black and press them with a red ribbon, it will work out a very funny thing! In my opinion, on February 23, you need to congratulate all representatives of the strong sex, regardless of whether they served or not. They also belong to only one holiday in the year! Moreover, men, first of all, are our defenders, our support and support. "

Bouquet of socks. Photo: Personal archive of Alena Vodonaeva.

Bouquet of socks. Photo: Personal archive of Alena Vodonaeva.

Natalia Podolskaya Always knows how to make the beloved wife Vladimir Presnyakova. As the singer told us herself, she gives only the necessary gifts that definitely fall to Vladimir to taste. This is definitely something beautiful from the clothes, so to speak, Fashion-presents. The singer is very serious about this issue, because she knows about the passion of her husband to fashionable and stylish things. This year, Natalia has already prepared a gift, but while we left him secret - surprise there is a surprise.

Cornelia Mango By the holiday of February 23 applies with special responsibility and tries not to give banal gifts: "This year I presented to my friend a very non-standard gift - a bouquet of Vobl and a beer box. I believe that champagne is too much, you need to move away from tribalities. "

As for the place of celebration, the Cornelia came to this issue with a light irony: "All clubs, we have already become a restaurant. So many and similar pastime are bored with the order. Therefore, I decided to arrange real fights without rules in the ring. I think my friend will come to my soul, he will be just happy. "

I did not forget the Cornelia to congratulate all the rest of the rest: "I want to wish men more male strength, patience. So that they sometimes relate easier to female provinces. And most importantly - men, protect women! We really need it. "

Denis maidanov It seems the impression of a person who is certainly extolits the holiday on February 23 and does not miss the opportunity to note. However, the stellar image is often far from real reality. So forced to think of his combat and patriotic songs, such as "1000 years old," "not scary" young. " However, the wife of singer Natalia admitted that they and his spouse were paying special attention to this holiday. First, they still do not have the opportunity to note - the tour takes all the time. And secondly, the couple believes that February 23 and March 8 are too banal holidays.


Group "Factory". Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

Soloist group "Factory" Irina Tveva It believes that February 23 is the "elegant" calendar day and he needs to pay particular attention to: "All men who will meet on my way to this holiday will be gifted by a minimum of a smile, and a maximum of two smiles. Of course, there will be my favorite men: dad and all the brutal half of the acting course, where I study. "

The girl admitted that she would drink a jacket with dad, and young people from the course will be repeatedly kissed in the sera walls.

And here Sergey Zverev Despite her glamorous image, once it had time to serve in the army. True, the memories of the military weekdays at the stars are not at all iris. In addition, the soldier's ports are a shame for our country, Pop Star believes: "I remember with horror about the ports that I had to wear! The legs were erased into the blood, unbearable sensations! It's just some kind of mockery of soldiers, which continues until now. Western countries have long forgotten about this monstrous thing, and we can all get rid of them! A healthy army is, above all, a healthy soldier. I believe that the ports need to be replaced with ordinary X / W socks - if the warm season and on woolen - for winter. "

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