Action Plan: Become a Queen New Year's Party



Make an evening make-up - in fact, a simple thing. This can be done at the last minute before the holiday. But to prepare the skin so that it shine, and the makeup lay perfectly, you still need to in advance. The best solution is to undergo a course of peeling procedures. To do this, you can go to a professional cosmetologist, and you can arrange a beauty salon at home.


Peeling with gel texture Smoothie Peeling Jam Grape Expectation from the Korean Holika Holika brand gently exfoliates dead skin cells, enriches the skin with oxygen and contributes to the lightening of black dots and traces of the Package. The result is the perfect tone of the skin.


The same applies to hairstyles in the New Year's Eve: so that the laying has been perfect, your curls need to start putting in order now. The elixir for creating a root volume and increasing the diameter of the Hair Diaboost from Nioxin makes hair thicker after one-time use. But the main thing is that if you apply this remedy every day at least a month (that is, just before the holidays), it will noticeably as far as the volume has increased.


In addition, the tool works even from the inside. Thanks to the Innovative HTX ™ technology (Hair Thickening Xtrafusion) with a unique complex of vitamins, Nicarinamide, Panthenol and caffeine, the elixir increases the diameter of each hair, strengthens the hair, increases damage resistance. You can use the tool both on dry and on wet hair. The main thing is not to wash off!


So that any dress sat perfectly, urgently get rid of extra kilograms (we hope that we are talking about a pair of troika). Of course, no one has canceled sports and proper nutrition, however, it is not necessary to forget about "primary" means.

So, since ancient times, it is known about the healing properties of the berries of Godji - in Chinese folk medicine they used them for another five centuries ago. The Extract of the berry goji has an antioxidant effect, improves metabolism, helps reduce weight and slow down aging. So, it is the Extracts of the berries of Goji are located in the Deglusterol drink - a unique novelty, which advise people with overweight and impaired metabolism.


In addition, in the composition - glycine (helps to shoot an increased muscle tone, normalizes sleep, reduces the thrust to alcohol and sweet), L-arginine (participates in all metabolic processes and helps to reduce the number of fatty sediments in the body), L-Triatoofan (responsible for The synthesis of melatonin, which helps to be saturated and feel cheerful throughout the day), L-lysine (increases the endurance of the body and its restoration after loads, accelerates the metabolism), L-threonine (helps split fats and fatty acids, and also prevents their deposits ).

To help this drink - various wraps. For example, an anti-cellulite complex "Orange in chocolate" from the Gloria brand. It was designed specifically in order to not only align the skin texture and get rid of cellulite manifestations, but also to launch the metabolic process of splitting fat. During the course approach, the thickness of the subcutaneous fatty fiber decreases and the elasticity of the skin fibers is normalized.


Body wrapping "orange chocolate" combines anti-cellulite properties due to the essential oils of orange, lemon and grapefruit, as well as a moisturizing and toning effect due to cocoa oils, coconut and carite. Well, an unusual aroma of orange and chocolate will help at least for a while forget about candy and cinnamon buns.

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