Children's hysteries: how to be?


Children aged 2 to 6 years old use crying for different purposes, but most often in this way they serve parents about pain, illness or discontent. But children's tears are not only a distress signal, but also a way to manipulate parents, expressing their own opinions, a demonstration of character or simply an expression of emotions, writes

However, sometimes children's attacks are so strong that they introduce parents to a stupor and they simply simply cannot calm their child. What to do in such situations? How to cope with these situations? Let's try on the examples to understand this problem and develop several ways to calm the baby.

So, what you need, and that in no case cannot be done in children's hysterics.

If the baby fell ill ... Naturally, the crying can be a sick signal. If the child is worried about teeth, ears, head or tummy, he confidently will tell you the source of pain. What in this situation to help the baby? First of all, you need to eliminate the reasons for his anxiety. No matter how well you did not understand all sorts of sores, it is still better to call a doctor, and before it arrives at all the forces to facilitate the condition of the crumbs - to give the antipyretic, to climb and hug a baby, calm him.

Usually painful signs are manifested by a whole complex of symptoms - behavior changes, heat or nausea, diarrhea, vomiting. But if there are no external signs, you should not ignore the kid's complaints and think that he simulates. Usually, the children of preschool age do not. So try to treat your health complaints with all attention.

If the child fell, hit, was injured ... The child can cry from pain, resentment or fright, and it is necessary to be able to properly assist him, reassure him and support. There are special psychological techniques, educational children to cope with emotions and quickly calm down when crying. These techniques are somewhat different from our usual reassurance methods, but they help them much more efficiently.

Now let's think about what you do not need to do. First of all, you should not talk to the child while he cries, and even more so - to scold him or report it. You do not need to say to him "Go, I will regret you," Okhant and Amend or draw "poor, small, laptop, bunny", etc. Silently swinging the hands and hug a baby, firmly press him to him. First, it will give the child a sense of security and your reliability. Secondly, let you cope with your excitement and emotions. You do not have to convey to the child of her excitement at the body level and subconscious, you must give him peace of mind and strength. These hugs make it possible to comprehend the problem with a brain and not overload it with information.

Do not blow on the wounds, immediately try to assist him - if it is, of course, not serious bleeding or a fracture. With ordinary chiske or abrasion, it is more important to help a child psychologically.

You should not poke the baby toys or candy, rock it like a baby. Such behavior you give him a reason for manipulating the situation and entry into hysterics. The next time the child falls, and you do not beat him with your fright, you will not start to suck and do not leave, he may not pay at all, but will cope himself with his fall. He will rise, devouches and come to you calm.

First of all, hug a child, tightly pressing him tightly and exhausting from the place of fall or incident. Let him feel all the body. Start smoothly and deeply breathe, consider up to ten at a slow pace. You will notice how intermittent baby's breath and how it smoothly aligns and restores. In children, it happens unconsciously and reflexively - to align the breath under the breath of the adult. You can also accompany the breath with light swirls, strokes, patting - in a word, to apply any tactile skin stimulation. But all these actions should be light and unobtrusive, so as not to distract the child from the awareness of the situation. Do not try to immediately interrupt crying - children, like adults, sometimes you just need to give out emotions with tears. You can easily wash or sing a song without words, it also helps soothe and restore breathing. And only after the baby starts smoothly breathing and stop sobble, it is possible to disassemble the situation without emotions: to see where and what happened, tell the story of his fall without emotions, condemnation and evaluations. For example, "you walked, on the floor lay a toy, you stumbled about the toy and fell."

In the climax of the story, the baby, perhaps, will try to upset again, but this is his right - he needs to survive and comprehend the situation, just he learns to cope with the cry and calm down faster.

Children's hysteries are attacks of crying with crying and indignation arising in the case of strong emotional bursts. This is a way of manipulating native people caused by anger, irritation, aggression or despair. It is this cry who is the harder to calm the parents, as injuries and falls are quickly forgotten enough, and for the reasons for hysteria, the child clearly focused. Therefore, it is not necessary in the story to give situations or behavior of the baby assessment and judgment. You should not tell him what happened "This is because you threw toys", "This is because you scared", etc.

In these cases, there is no unambiguous tips, in each case it is necessary to find their way out of the situation. But there are several ways to be successful in educators and large parents. With hysteries in crowded places, stores, on site or houses are helped by the following techniques:

• Take the child's attention to the sky, showing there "airplane", a cloud or something unusual, it is desirable to try to attract to this other adults (they usually play out). It will easily help you distract the child from the hysterical object. The attention of adults, and also collective, very much excites curiosity and stop hysterically.

• Start searching for the phone or signal from the machine, pretending that they are singing. Notify the baby that you need to answer urgently, turn off, run to look at the car, etc. If it is a trick with a phone, make the appearance of a conspirator and hurry a child home or where you need, telling that "I was told on the phone, there waiting for you ... " Next - focus on circumstances.

• Make the view that you cry even stronger than the kid, and it hurts you. Usually, the kids rush to calm weeping parents, forgetting about their problems.

• Or, on the contrary, begin to curl, tickle the baby, build faces, do nonsense, in general, in any way, try to translate your hysteria in laughter. More often this technique helps dads, because they have an excerpt and a sense of humor better mother.

And it always helps to talk to a child with an adult, explaining to him the whole situation as it is. It is necessary to hitter and climb a child - most often hysterics are from a shortage of caress and attention, children use them as a way to attract the interest of Mom and Pope.

Matyukhina Olga

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