Do I feel: what makes us doubt our professional forces


Did you think about the fact that the feeling of uncertainty in their abilities may be a companion of even the most successful people? Psychologists call this phenomenon "Sanoborus syndrome" - a person is not able to objectively assess his professional achievements, no matter how much praise and recognition he did not receive. In some sense, this condition can be compared with perfectionism, but lovers of doing everything "on perfectly" most often understand what they are striving for and aware of their success, which cannot be said about "impostors".

How "are born" insecure professionals

Experts agree that the uncertainty of any kind of granting our personality in his childhood: parents and other adults, whose opinion matters, can both inspire a child, and completely kill self-esteem, which we can guess with you. As you, most likely, noticed, in various children's creative and sports circles, the idea of ​​being better is actively developing than the others - in this way in the child allegedly raise the desire for tops, always first. It works far from every child, and if one will pushing in the life of the elbows, then another kid will turn into an adult for which any success is an illusion, if it does not receive confirmation of the reverse, but even in this case a person cannot fully accept a positive The result - people with impostor syndrome are very sensitive to criticism.

Is it possible to fight with a condition that prevents from building an excellent career

It is difficult to deal with the state of professional uncertainty. Of course, it is best to get the recommendations of a specialist who will analyze the most unpleasant moments with you, which inhibit you in taking yourself as a professional, and yet you can try to understand yourself.

Learn to accept your achievements

Learn to accept your achievements


Allow yourself more

Each of us is mistaken, it needs to be understood and accept - no man who always does everything perfectly. As soon as you realize that perfection exists only in your head, you will be on the path of "corrections", namely you will come to understand that the work must be performed at least well, no one forbids striving for the ideal, but also tough criticism should To be minimized, otherwise you risk in addition to the insecurity to develop a neurotic state.

Do not be afraid to share with loved ones

Nothing helps experience the most complex moments of life as supporting close people. However, it is important to choose to choose truly close people in which you are confident, otherwise your problems can become public domain if your interlocutor will be unable to keep the tongue. But a close friend is the perfect listener. Ask for a meeting and share with him experiences, perhaps your friend will give advice that can seriously change your attitude to the situation. However, try unnecessarily not overloading loved ones - know the measure in everything.

Record all positive moments

Psychologists are very often used by this technique, which allows to concentrate on their victories and to realize them. Select a day when you do not need to hurry anywhere and sit down for making a list: remember all the most significant moments in your life, for the most part, choose professional achievements. At the moments when you will notice doubts, go through through these stricters and you will notice how the state of uncertainty will immediately begin to go to the background. Try!

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