Dispel myths about melanoma


If you use sunscreen and cover the body with clothing, there is nothing to fear. This is not true. Neither sunscreens nor clothes protect the cell DNA from damage to the solar rays, and therefore from the appearance of malignant neoplasms. Therefore, such funds are not panacea and spend the whole day in the open sun is not needed.

People with a large number of moles can not ride in hot countries. This is not true. You need to know several rules. People with moles and freckles can be sunbathing solely under an awning. It is recommended to enter the sun early in the morning and in the evening.

Solar keratosis is not dangerous. Not. Keratosis is one of the most common skin diseases. On his background, malignant neoplasms of the skin may appear.

If the birthplace is innocent, then melanoma will not. This is not true. In any mole, both in born and acquired, melanoma may appear. Therefore, for moles need to be monitored, and when they change them to turn to the dermatonologist.

Natalia Tolstikhina

Natalia Tolstikhina

Natalia Tolstikhina, Dermatoncologist:

- The problem is that the types of skin neoplasms are a great set - moles, pigment spots, vascular formations, kerats, and so on. They can be congenital and acquired, absolutely safe or initially be melanoma. Without a specialist, find out the nature of the neoplasm on the skin it is impossible. Especially since the malignant neoplasms of the skin can be masked for ordinary inflammation or pimple and actually be dangerous. Parents who go with the kids to the sea, you need to know that sunburn in early childhood increase the risk of skin cancer in an adult. I advise you to avoid staying in the sun from 11.00 to 17.00. Parents need to regularly examine all the skin of the child.

And the adult themselves, even if you are not bothering you, it is recommended to show the moles by a specialist at least once a year. Especially if you are going to where high solar activity is on the sea or in the mountains.

Those who belong to the risk group (people with light skin, hair and eyes, easily burning in the sun and having in the past more than three sunburns, as well as having multiple skin neoplasms), must be checked once every six months. Also, the diagnosis is required to any cosmetology procedures. Independently remove any skin formation, "whiten" pigment stains are categorically prohibited.

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