What does your dream tell?


Dear readers!

From this day we open a new one and, not hide, unique heading. About dreams. This is not a traditional dream book that can be found in any transition. We will not guess what the cow or corn is dreaming. Similar interpretations are more like fiction. We dare to say: dreams can and need to decipher in such a way that they can become a real help you in life. Based on the fact that sleep is a unique, personal message of intuition to resolve our important problems and tasks.

Let me introduce myself. My name is Maria Zemskova. I am a psychologist, a family therapist and leading trainings of personal growth. In my work, I often hear the stories of people about what they had dreamed. In most cases, sleep allegorically shows a person, as it should be done in one situation or another. So the correct interpretation is the key to solving the problem.

So let's get started! What do we need to know about dreams to get better in them?

Sleep is a royal road to the unconscious. So stated Grandpa Freud. In his work "Interpretation of dreams" he has long disassembled this thesis. We need to know that the dream is the creation of our psyche, or rather, unconscious desires, aspirations and conflicts. Sleep is like fantasy, only unlike the latter, we can only manage them. But certainly, sleep content is only about us and only for us. Therefore, it is better not to use classic dreams. The same image in a dream for each person symbolizes a variety of parties to life.

"I dreamed some nonsense!" These words most people start a story about incomprehensible sleep. Although sleep is not always amenable to the laws of logic and is often implausible. We can dream that we fly. One of us frightened, and someone will make it happy. The key for sleeping is the feelings and emotions that we experience.

"I had a nightmare! Can something bad happen to me? "

Psychologists, in detail studying dreams, argue that sleep helps us cope with the psychological burden during the life and every day. If we got angry, offended, they were frightened by someone and tried to forget about it, in a dream we are again experiencing these feelings so that in conscious life it is no longer coming back to it. Sleep is incredibly kebal. He helps us cope with difficult experiences.

"I never dream anything".

Our sleep is inhomogeneous. It consists of some phases: fast and slow. During the slow phase, we do not see dreams. During her time, our body rests. In the fast phase there is a "reboot" of our psyche. We see a few dreams with each other. It is believed that the most cheerful awakening happens immediately after the fast phase. At this moment we remember our dreams in detail.

If you fail to remember the dream, then you wake up not in that phase. Try to go early to slightly adjust sleep mode.

If you know simple interpretation techniques, you can click dreams like nuts. We will talk about them in the following articles.

In the meantime - pleasant dreams!

Maria Zemskova, psychologist, family therapist and leading trainings of the personal growth of the Trading Center Marika Hazin.

Did you dream of sleep, and you want Maria to shut it on our site? Then send your questions by mail [email protected].

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