Natalie Portman is waiting for a child again?


Hollywood actress Natalie Portman made a Furior at the Oscar awards ceremony. The stars of the Black Swan star turned out to be wide and shapeless, which caused a wave of rumors about the second pregnancy Natalie. True, this year Portman was not nominated for the most prestigious cinematic reward, however, appeared at the ceremony as guest. Together with his spouse choreographer Benjamin Millpe, she shone on Aftepati "Oscar". At the same time, to enter the light of Natalie chose a rather concise white dress in the floor with a black ribbon. It was the reason for gossip. The fact is that before that, Portman chose the fitted outfits, so the shapelessness of the current dress of the actress surprised fans, and the secular chronicles immediately assured that Chet Portman-Milpier is waiting for the second child, write

However, neither the actress itself nor her spouse did not comment on this information. But many foreign media noted that now is the time for pregnancy an actress. After all, she decided to take a break in a film engineer, and in a short time, together with her husband, I will move to Paris.

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