How to use air conditioning to not be cold


Some days of June were beaten by temperature records, and we saved the heat with air conditioners. But precisely because of them, many begins cough, a runny nose appears, and then the temperature rises. MK-Boulevard found out how to use air conditioning without risk to get sick.

Air conditioning in hot weather greatly simplifies life and allows you to relax and relax to relax in comfortable conditions. But you need to know some rules to not be cold in summer.

Between the temperature in the air-conditioned room and the temperature on the street should not be a big difference . It is believed that houses should be four degrees cooler than outside the window. But with very hot weather, the difference can be increased to 7-8 degrees.

No need to include the maximum speed of blowing The air conditioner. This can be done no more than five minutes to quickly cool the room, and then switch to medium or minimum mode. Further cooling of an apartment or office should pass gradually, about 2-3 degrees per hour. And set the temperature is recommended not lower than +20. Otherwise, the risk of hypothermia of the body appears when the sunset man enters the cool room.

Air conditioning air should not be directed to sofas, sleeping places , workers and dining tables. A person who is under the jet of cold air may not only be cold, but also get otitis, sinusitis and even bronchitis.

Because of the operation of the air conditioner, the air in the room becomes dry. And as is known, dry air contributes to the penetration of pathogenic organisms through the mucous membrane. Therefore, the air must be moisturized. The easiest way - Include humidifier . Otherwise, dermatitis, rhinitis may appear.

If the air conditioner does not have a special function of the intake of fresh air, then it is necessary Daily venting . Otherwise, the air conditioner will simply "chase" the same air, with all its microorganisms and pollution. If the room is not to air, then the risk of developing colds and allergies will appear.

Air conditioning need to wash at least twice a year : In the spring, in front of the season of intensive use, and in the fall, to prepare the device for heating. Specialists advise all filters once a month in the summer. The fact is that dust and pollen accumulate on them, which serve as a chateler for various allergens and infections. You can wash the air conditioning yourself, using a clean sponge and ordinary soap.

No need to arrange an artificial draft When the air conditioner works when open windows. If the street was cooled on the street, then the device is better disconnected. Also, experts are not advised to enjoy air conditioning at night, especially if the air jet is directed to the headboard.

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