Evgeny Morozov: "My brother's death accepted and goes on"


Evgeny Morozov, who played the main role in the sensational series "Zuulikha opens his eyes", is known not only as an actor, but also director, and screenwriter. In particular, he was one of the scenarios of the Londongrad series. Now Evgeny is working on a project that will be autobiographical in something. After all, his life scenario developed directly along the canons of drama: at the beginning, the hero is mistaken and is in conflict with peace and close people, faces death and finally awakens. Details - in an interview with the magazine "Atmosphere".

"Eugene, I know that the Patriarch ponds, where we meet, are one of your favorite places in Moscow. And why?

- Yes, one of your favorites. I like the "Europeanness" of this place, everything is here - both at home, and the alleys are small. Another living in Simferopol, I read the "Master and Margarita", adored this novel, even played in the play of the Simferopol Theater of one of the dead on the Ball of Voland. And then, not yet knowing Moscow, imagined this place that the Bulgakov described. And when in fact, first turned out to be on the Patriarch, there was a feeling that everything exactly as I myself and naughnthazed. I also give me the pleasure of the idea that all this talented brethren: Olesh, Ilf and Petrov, Bulgakov, hanging out here, Buzili, drank, hurt the thresholds of publishers, went the same way as I was now.

- When did you come to Moscow, chose the city center for life?

- No, it was VDNH, next to Vgik. I still have a hungry spasm when I turn out to be in that area, I immediately want to buy something to buy, warming up. (Laughs.) This time was not easy for me. Just because, as it turned out, the guy I am sensitive and gentle, but I was used to close all this by science aggression and often received a "response". I did not know how to relax, nor relax, I drove myself into some kind of heavy "mining work", presented increased requirements for myself. I brought it from the work environment where my childhood passed. Therefore, the ease of student spoke a little, it was such a mixture of hunger and fantasies, fireworks.

- And if you stayed in Simferopol, would you expect a working future?

- Yes, God knows him. Now I can admit it: we are not alone in this world, we are leading. As a child, I felt that I would like someone in the back pushing, helping to make a choice. I remember rightfully I remember this story when I solved: whether to go to a training session or with the boys in the basement hang out. So it was when I received the parents in the railway technique. There was such a cliché that after the ninth class the guy should get a working specialty, be able to do something with his hands. I did not understand why I need it, but submissively suffered documents. And despite the fact that he always studied well, managed to fill up the exam in mathematics. So I did not take me even with the "powerful" protest of my parents. I was in Mount, because I disappointed them. And now I understand what great that everything was formed. I do not diminish the work of railway workers, but all this is terribly far from me. And so it was always: I was led. I arrived in Moscow, went on the course to Andrei Vladimirovich Panin, and in a month returned back to Simferopol. I have a favorite girl there, and Moscow seemed a terrible city. But, barely accepting such a decision, I understood what a huge mistake committed. I began to call my master, and he said he was waiting for me. However, warned that the next chance may not be.

Evgeny Morozov:

"Years later, I realized that I actually threw it. He said that I was leaving for us, our bright future. In this case, there was no concrete plan"

Photo: Miguel

- And the girl appreciated that for sake you risked the future?

- Years later, I realized that I actually threw it. I said that I was leaving for us, our bright future. At the same time, I did not have any concrete plan, some slogans. And she entered female very wisely, saying that he should not further pull this lady. I was offended for a few years, I believed that she betrayed our ideals. What ideals?! But now we are friends. This is my native man. Her name is sinking.

- In Moscow, did you feel lonely?

- I am now adept approval: what you emit, then you get. It sounds primitive at first glance, but it is actually so. In Moscow, you can meet any person, the president, the billionaire - the question is that you are broadcasting, what circles you need to go through, with those and run this sprint, there are no random people.

- You used to be fond of extreme sports, and when there was that tragic chance and did you damage the spine during the jump, began to treat yourself differently?

- Of course, this is at the level of instinct. I remember that year there were shooting, and it was necessary to dive into the water from the cliff. Transparent water, no stones, Four meter depth - not dangerous. But I refused. Playing football, do it now more carefully. Every morning I knew my arms and neck, because if you do not stretch, it will pull. I warned me the doctors that everything would not pass without a trace. So I put myself in more complex conditions with my rapid act.

- Did you perceive it as a lesson?

"I used to think that a lesson, and now I perceive as a hint." The highest strength of the wise, we are like fools from them turn away. Okay, not all people, I will talk for yourself. I always thought it was necessary to cope myself, based on my poor spiritual experience of the working area. And there God is expelled most often. But in fact he is always with us. As on the most famous picture of Michelangelo, where a person stretches to God. Most High always stands with a hand-held hand. This we turn away from him. This we stand to him with your back and we hurt that God left us. And just need to turn around.

- Father, probably, did not accept your decision to become an actor? Is it a contrary to the values ​​of the working area?

- He always lived his life, his values, I am incomprehensible. I can not compare and argue who of us is smarter, the most spiritually. Just we are perpendicular to different views on the world, I'm not sure that he is fully aware of what I do. I am with dad, maybe a couple of times in my life talked for souls. We are not close. This is not a complaint, all the insults have passed. Just state statement. The physiological process of creating a person is a simple matter and even brings pleasure, a man especially. But what's next? If you don't understand yourself to the end, then you do it to the child. There was always a wall of their own misunderstanding between me and my parents, we had no contact. They are good people, not evil, but they would find themselves on the huge amount of pseudoness that they inspired. When I recognize the stories of my grandparents, I understand that everything is logical: such severe fates affect the children. Happiness that I got out from there. Maybe this is directed quality, but when looking at a person I guess how much he lives is not his life. I myself have spent up to thirty years old as if in the fog, my real life was in parallel, as a tram path, to which you can't jump. But now adult awareness of the fact that I myself am responsible for myself. I recently found myself in my native edges, I went for the birthday of the grandfather, he was ninety-three years old. I arrived a surprise, without warning anyone. I did not want to create an additional fuss. Dad was very surprised, even asked: "Are you all right?" And I, and without any offense, answered: "You were late, dad, with this question for about thirty years old." And he thoughtfully looked so much: Maybe you are right. These are such rare diamonds of our mental coupling.

Evgeny Morozov:

"There is always a wall of their own misunderstanding of themselves between me and my parents, we didn't have contact. We are not close"

Photo: Miguel

- The worst thing when there is no love, the rest can be forgiven. They love as they can.

- That's the thing. It just turned out that I am a very gentle, hypersensitive child. And the love I received ... Probably, did not sat down. It is like a variety of cuisine. Only going to Moscow and starting to eat like me to taste, I realized how coarse and fat was "food" of the working area. They love, and I have no complaints, but I am talking about different values ​​and no contact.

"Your younger brother, who made the decision to leave life, probably also suffered from this. Do not feel guilty? After all, the elder brother is the second father.

- I did not understand this before ... In the drama there is such a thing as the path of the hero. And some of this path is to take what happened and move on. Also the death of brother. I accepted her and go further. Probably already there, in another world, I finally understand what my role was. My younger brother from me Rukrek at one time, but it is difficult to judge what was the root cause. I got from my parents, and he from me. The younger is always a threshold in the family, even the most ideal. This is energetically so. Brother grabbed all sorts of diseases, psychosomatics, he was even more gentle than me. After what he did, I began to "wake up," to understand what life I live. I saw than everything could end, and literally - I traveled to pick my brother, tried at myself to wear it, transported the coffin. It was terrible and at the same time madly boring. So long, boredom and meaninglessness I still have not experienced. And decided that such a thing with me should never happen. Of course, we are all mortal, but you can die spiritually long before your physical existence cease. The man from whom the Spirit left, the most meaningless creature in the world. There is nothing more darker. Ancient Romans said: remember the death - and that's right, I now live with this thought. When you take this fact, you value every moment and try to live meaningfully. And soon after that, I also broke the neck, which also became a kind of "ringing". Returning to the drama, the hero has a "gate of death", where he literally meets with death face to face. After that, he opens his eyes. It happened to me that way. Of course, I am still reflecting, make mistakes, but guided in my choice internal voice, and not created by someone cliché.

- Selfolation was a beneficial period for you?

- No, not so fruitful as I would like. The first weeks were quite active, and then I experienced such a fortune when consciousness is bored. This happens when a person is long in one place. I can compare it with a sauna where hot air, and ten minutes later you can no longer think about anything else, except to get out of here. Do not remember read books and deep thoughts, you become a unicellular creature that suffers from the heat. As written by Chekhov, if you want to forget about the problems of the world, buy yourself close shoes. And I remember when the quarantine weakened, it was not easy to expand the boundaries and force themselves to go out. Thanks to this experience, I understood the previous generation of people who lived at the Soviet power behind the Iron Curtain. It was difficult for them to discover another world, as well as me after a month in the locked apartment it was difficult to believe that Moscow is much more. (Smiles.)

- You did not write anything at this time?

- I read a lot and wrote a script. "Russian demons" - this will be called my next project. I adore the genre in which the Bulgakov worked when the supernatural occurs with natural. And I thought you wrote a book. There is about everything that I told above: the relationship of two brothers, but it will be a very bright drama.

- Do you already think about who from the actors could play in this picture?

- Sure. First, I myself am I always do that. (Laughs.) Secondly, my Maruska (actress Marusya Zykova. - Approx. Auth.). Sabina Akhmedova, our girlfriend. They have already read the script. There are some more people who have not talked about it yet.

Evgeny Morozov:

"I saw than everything could end, and literally - I traveled to pick my brother, tried the costume for myself to dress it, transported the coffin"

Photo: Miguel

- Marusya was already filmed in your short film "First Love." How difficult to go with personal relationships?

- Fine. On the set, I turn into some fanatics, but at the same time very sensitive. From me the actors are flying, because I know that they need confidence. After all, I am an actor. Actors like children, they need to create comfortable conditions. And I am not about Rider now, but about the relationship. The actors are much deeper than themselves think about themselves and what they play. Everyone works in different ways: someone needs to consider the playback, there is no one. Marusya does it, she will fit, look: a, I understood everything.

- What part of your home taking conversations about work?

- Previously, we discussed a lot, every project in which we were approved, every trial. Now calmed down a little. I say: "I have samples tomorrow!" "Yeah. In what time? We will take a world from school? " (Laughs.)

- For those few years, what are you together, have you changed each other much?

- five years has passed. And, no matter how ridiculous, we started to understand each other approximately a year ago. At first we helped each other, we saved my soul. And when the need for it disappeared, looked at each other again: what's next? ..

- Many at this stage could part.

- Yes, the approval of Frederick Begmedra, that love lives three years, just ten. After three years of living together, we had any questions with Marusus. The whole next year we were in question, and only then some kind of deep understanding and acceptance of each other came. It is amazing: it turns out that you can live with a person for three years, help him, save, share the general bed and life - and only then start trusting. I mean the deep trust, when you know that she will cope without you and your support is needed around the clock. And you go to a completely different level of relationship.

- Psychologists argue that harmonious relationships can be built only when you yourself are in a plus, self-sufficient.

"While you are unhappy yourself, you will solve your problems through another person and somehow pull it and torture." Mulius and I have broken one spear on it. She said: You do not understand me. And it is true. I can listen to her, but I can't look deep into her soul and see what. Sometimes I "included a logger mode": Yes, I'm stupid and stutt, I can't understand your thoughts. Please give me a hint. It is necessary to speak, and this is difficult, because they do not understand themselves until the end. I'm terribly annoying expression: my second half. It turns out, I myself am defective? I am a person, and next to the second person. Salvation about another is not true.

- Why live together when the "period of salvation" is over?

- discover the bottomless perspectives, Megadover. In a relationship you will find out. Take, for example, the situation when I'm angry for something to Marus. Key here: I'm angry. This is my emotion. What prompt I get from life? Since I'm angry, I can rejoice, I am the owner of my emotions, and therefore - and his life. I realized that this sphere was not developed at all, my emotional intelligence like a five-year-old child. Until some time, I shamefully covered the profession: I am an actor, I can turn the table in anger, getting into full voice when everyone is crying. In fact, this is the lack of self-control. Any physiological emotion lasts six seconds. But extend it or not, we choose themselves. We can live with offend or wines and wonder why the world is such an unkind, aggressive? And it turns out, the whole thing is in you. Also in the relationship: when you do not run away from problems, and finally, on the fourth year of life, you begin to negotiate, the horizons are moved to you.

Evgeny Morozov:

"Now I matured to make a marry offer. And I hope that this stamp will be our happy seal"

Photo: Miguel

- How do you feel about the campaign in the registry office? Does it seem a stupid idea that the stamp in a passport can fix something? After all, relationships are changing all the time, they are like a river.

- I still lived in marriage seven years, divorced. It depends on what the person is investing in this stamp in the passport. In fact, it is just a mark. We endow her magic force. I wanted to divorce - I paid the state duty and after two weeks I received another stamp. I went through it. But now I have matured to make a marry offer. For me, this is a conscious part of our relationship. And I hope it will be our happy seal. Although I know stories when a woman does everything possible to be a fit for a man, conquer his heart, and after official clearance, everything changes everything. And the man is horrified: what happened? After all, before that, everything went with the hands: they smoke - smoke, drink - drink, you want - go with friends for football, I prepared dinner, waiting for you. And then suddenly: you belong to me, do as I said. Is it how sad should life be like to hold back the true gusts? Of course, it is impossible to stop from anything, but I really hope that, married, I will not go crazy with Marija and do not turn into some unpleasant strangers.

- A year ago, you and Marius were interviewed by our magazine, and then I was remembered, then the issue of ready for marriage was also discussed. What do you think, not tired girl waiting for hands and heart suggestions?

- It may take another five years. (Laughs.) What does it mean: tired? I think, last year Marusya felt that we were actually now together as a husband and wife. I do not notice her fatigue, maybe she will say another.

- In relations with Mirroi, do you try on the role of your father or are you more friend?

- No, this is my child. Of course, she has a native father, but we have our relationship with Mirra, their conversations and interests. I confess, she also taught me a lot. At first I was subconsciously waited and offended: why doesn't she show interest in me? It was a stupid, Banalny trap, in which I land. Adult is always responsible for the relationship between the child and adults. When a child is suitable with a drawing to his father and he says: "Yeah, great!" - In the child's language, it means: they dug. And the colossal difference when you start viewing a picture: what a bright sun, why do you paint the trees in this color? You show interest. Through these questions, I began to draw into her life. And the children are very sensitive people, immediately respond. I realized that at some moments behaved exactly as my father, I repeated his mistakes. "I feed you, providing. What else does?". It turned out you need. Your attention is. Today, with Mirroi at four in the morning together, they caught mosquitoes, it was connected to us. (Laughs.) Then I took her to school, and we remembered it. We always have something to discuss. I feel it my child, and everything I needed to do is interested.

- What do you think, what father will you become?

- I think that very cool. I would also like a couple of children. (Laughs.) We will negotiate with Marus. But I will give her all the conditions and will help. I will tell about my recent sensations when I realized that it was ready for this. We shot a four-player film, where I played the investigator, which saves the stolen child. The car of the gangsters in the forest is worth it, I sneak up to her, I'll get the baby, and he actually sleeps. And all that time we rehearsed, he quietly nozzles on my shoulder. This is not my child, but I also pierced to heels. So much tenderness was born in me ... Yes, I slowly "harbor", but show me the book, where it is written as it should.

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