Top plastic operations among Russian stars


But today it is much more difficult to hide such a fact than before: because Paparazzi often pay attention to the appearance of famous people.

Plastic surgery is the ability to change not only the appearance, but also to increase your own popularity. On the portal plastic club, where the most up-to-date information on plastics is collected, you can find many interesting articles on how the stars look to surgery and after it. We suggest familiarizing yourself with the list of the most common varieties of plastics:

● Rhinoplasty. This is the most popular operation to which many of the domestic and foreign stars have resorted, displeased form of their nose.

● Mammoplasty. This type of operation is considered the most common in the world, because the size of their breasts is not like a huge number of women for one reason or another. Read more about implants here

● Blefaroplasty. Third in popularity Operation among celebrities. With age, we still want to remove the bags under the eyes and the annoying hungry. You can learn about the subtleties of blepharoplasty here % D0% BB% D0% B0% D1% 81% D1% 82% D0% B8% D0% BA% D0% B0.

● Correction of the shape of the cheekbone. Expressive cheekbones are a modern trend, so many stars are solved on the removal of Komkov Bisha or the insertion of special implants.

● Contour plastic lips. Despite the fashion on the natural beauty, the lips "clarification" are not less common, and even became a business card of a number of celebrities.

The plastic club portal is a modern live platform, where you will find information not only about star operations, but also a lot of useful on how to change appearance.


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