Lady with a dog: how to transport the animal and not stain the car


Traveling on the road is mostly instilled in contemporary people as the right to birth. We just sit down in the car, we light the gas, turn on the music and take advantage of the excellent sunset. But what if you travel with dogs or cats? In addition to packaging your pet's favorite chewing toys and your favorite blanket, what else should you take with you? We accounted for this convenient list based on the materials of the specialized publication Petmd, which will make your trip as safe as possible, pleasant and trouble-free.

Best Prevention from Casual Injuries - Carrying for Pets

One of the most common injuries in domestic animals is due to accidents in the car. Regardless of the size of your pet (whether a dog, a cat or a hamster), he will be better in road carrier. In the event of an accident, even carrying can be thrown through the windows, so make sure that you attached it to the floor in the back seat or attached a seat belt in the back seat.

When transport, place the animal in carrying

When transport, place the animal in carrying


Some road carriers for cats or dogs for cars are specifically designed with the seat belt guides built into carrying, but any box can be made so that it remains on the spot with rope or elastic cords. This will not only reduce the risk that the box will fly away, but also reduce the likelihood that your pet is sick with tech. Never let animals, especially cats, walk freely by car. Cats tend to crawl under their feet, and excited dogs will move on one side of the machine to another to explore all the sights.

Do not let pet to the front seat

Yes, we know that you love your little fluffy, but there is no place in the front seat with an animal. This means that it is impossible to keep pets on your knees while driving, and no pets on the passenger seat. Even if your dog is large enough for the seat belt on the side of the passenger could put on it, it will still risk even in the most minor accidents if the airbag works out or if it slides from the belt or under it. In the end, seat belts and airbags are designed for the human body of an adult, and dogs are physically not adapted to one of them. The result can be fatal.

Animal can not be placed on the front seat

Animal can not be placed on the front seat


Attach the detailed road tag with all its contact information to your pet's collar

If you lose your pet during a trip, the best chance return it back it may be this tag. In fact, if you read it before the trip, you might think about making your pet microchip or tattoo. We also believe that microchips can be useful: just make sure you update the contact information associated with the account. Otherwise, it's just a really expensive accessory who does nothing to security your pet.

Take with you enough feed and water for all time trips

Road trips are not time to try a new food - at least if it concerns your pet. Remember, your pet is not used to keep it until the next stop, so heavy disorder of digestion can very quickly turn into the most terrible trip in your life. Make sure you ate enough food so that it is enough until you return home, and stick to the delicacies to which your pet is used to. You may even think about filling the jug with water from the house to minimize any digestive problems. Folding pet bowls are ideal for such trips, as you can hide them in your pocket and fill them for breaks on vacation.

Make a road set "Ready to Everything"

Your emergency kit must include everything you need, of course, with the addition of first-aid items for pets:

Roll Marley

Bandages specially made for animals

Anesthetic, approved by the veterinarian depending on the weight and age of your pet.

Hydrogen peroxide - both for cleaning wounds and to call vomiting.

An antibiotic ointment

Medicine from nausea (again, pre-approved by your veterinarian)

Actual photo of your pet

Plastic bags to pick up for pet

Manual canning knife

Evidence of the vaccination against rabies (remember you are ready for everything)

Additional toys

Children's wet wipes - good for cleaning your pet and yourself

Napkins and paper towels for cleaning the car

Additional collar and leash

Blanket or beach towel, great enough to wrap around your pet

Another additional advice, intended only for cat owners, is thinking about a cat in a cat in a cat. There are several ways to do it. Most pet stores and even some grocery stores sell disposable toilet trays. Another way is one-time aluminum trays that can be found in most shops. However, many cats hide their "cases", so you may think about the purchase of cat carrying with the attached lid (if you do not have it), many of which have a handle from above for easy movement. Take a cat to use a new carry before the trip so that it does not be afraid.

This is not a complete list of pet travel. Let your instincts and your pets will be your conductor. But, first of all, be safe and enjoy adventure!

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