First Interview Sparrow after the accident


Catherine Christmas took the first interview with Alexey Vorobyeva after a terrible accident that happened in Los Angeles. The singer first told about what happened to him, about his health, about mom and about the forecasts of doctors.

"Do not give God to survive such someone: you wake up and you understand that you do not move part of the person, and you can't drink or chew or swallow, you do not move your hand in general, and you do not feel it, more Togo, you touch as if someone else's hand, "Alexey magazine" 7 days "quotes. - I'm trying to somehow rethink my life. I'm alive, thank God. I now have to learn to make a re-what I was given from nature. "

Now Alexey strictly complies with the recommendations of the doctors in order to quickly return to ordinary life: "I was lucky that I was young. Doctors say that for an ordinary person with this pace of recovery, they can only say what I have to continue to do what I do. "

However, doctors do not guarantee that Lesha will sing again. "The only thing and most terrible for me is that doctors cannot give any guarantee that I will sing again. This is scary. But they said that everything depends here only from me, "says Vorobyev.

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