Ulyana Kurochina: "I have everything difficult for surnames"


Ulyana Kurochina is constantly compared with young Elena Cleaning. On the one hand, the actresses are really similar than can be proud of. On the other hand, people are not always nice when they spend any parallels.

- Ulyana, you often compare with Elena Procloga. Do you nice to be like a legendary actress?

- Of course, I admire Elena Proclona as an actress leading and just a beautiful woman. But it seems to me, we are not at all like.

- And yet this similarity interferes or helps?

- It does not interfere at all ... and does not help, unfortunately (laughs).

- Is your surname from the birth of Blajabaeva? How did Kurochkin appear?

"Shakespeare said somehow:" Rosa smells a rose, even a rose call her, even though there is no. " You will not argue with him. In my life with the last name everything is very confused. Kurochkina appeared when I got married - this is the third surname for the whole of my life. I was born Antonova, this is the surname of the Father. Flagbaeva - the surname of my sister's father, who does not have a direct relationship to me at all. Nevertheless, this surname has become native for so many years, although he always felt it like a heavy shell. Will not be surprised if the last fourth time is a surname. My essence will not change anyway.

Ulyana Kurochina:

In the filmography of actresses dozens of roles in a variety of projects. In the photo: Frame from the series "Protection Krasina-2".

- I heard that you have professionally assigned alto and soprano.

- I sing as a dramatic actress (laughs). But I never practiced vocals, the wrong information walks on the network (laughs). Just like someone.

- In this case, it is true that in addition to possession of the piano, you have a skill of the domain?

- In 1987, in his native Surgut for me, I took mom in a two-story wooden music school and asked me to record me at the class of balalaika. I was listened and said: there are no balalaiki, there is Domra. In September, I came and started learning at Domre. He graduated from music school already in Novosibirsk in Akademgorodok in 1995, and more in the hands of this beautiful expressive Russian folk instrument did not take it. But I am pleased to listen to the speeches of folk orchestras. Derru find out the first of all (laughs). And the piano was the second tool. And I made great progress. Then at the institute I often asked me for my classmates to play on the piano in the stage passages.

- You called Surgut by our hometown. Why?

- This is my personal incorrece. In the world he, as it were, and no matter how. I'm still going to visit the hometown. Mom transported us to Novosibirsk suddenly, after the events of the 91st year. I was visiting relatives in Kemerovo and did not even have time to say goodbye to the house and friends. It was a terrible injury, he was healing which was ten years. In my memoirs, everything is so worth: Thin birchings, the park "Oilman", a huge red "Aurora". The happiest years passed in Surgut. On the weekend, the mother prepared the "royal dinner": a potato mashed potatoes and meat roasted to crunch. The apartment was incredibly cozy and warm. Always sunny. In the fall, she rinsed compotes and pickles in some kind of giant quantities, I helped to twist the covers. Mom purchased the watermelon car, bought balcony with them, and we ate them until January when frosts were at 40 degrees. I remember how I walk on the balcony on watermelons. We also had a mandatory tradition to go to the movies - it was holy. I remember, I was very impressed by the film "Sagittarius Non-good," where one of the episodic roles played a very young Renat Davletyarov, he was the director in this picture. In almost thirty years, I met him on the shooting area "Donbass". I still remember how I, nine-year-old, sit in the huge hall of DC "Energetik", and on the stage there are Rolan Bulls and Ivan Okhlobystin, only he was Ivan Ivan, they represented the film "Leg". For some reason he seemed very native to me, this actor. Later in his youth with a girlfriend, with a girlfriend from the film "Eight and a half dollars", constantly twisted it, quoted by heart, imitating actors and endlessly laughed. With Okhlobystin crossed on the red carpet, I even have forgotten from the clamp.

Ulyana Kurochina:

The new work of the actress was the role in the film "Donbass. The outskirts "directed by Renata Davletyarova. In the painting of Ulyana played a resident of the town of Marinka, which produced in the hemp itself of a military conflict

"You graduated from the Novosibirsk Theater School, served in the Novosibirsk Urban Drama Theater, Del Arte had learned from Pascal Lyary. Then guitis-rati, the acting faculty. Which of the institutions consider most important for yourself, special for your learning profession?

- All three schools are very important to me. In Novosibirsk, my master offered me a role in the theater in the first year, after three months of study, I was 18 years old! And the main role! It was a very difficult test and a tough life school. Probably, there I learned freedom on stage, organcate, courage and faith in myself - thanks to Master Sergey Nikolaevich Afanasyev. Despite the tough life experience, I am grateful to him for having broke my acting personality. Pascal, friend Sergey Nikolayevich, and he taught us two years in a row del art, going to put euripide on our course. This is a completely different school, the opposite, very interesting, disciplining and based on the dynamics of the body. Gitis completed my way to himself. After graduating from the Academy, I knew that now I own all the tools and I can play in any circumstances.

- In the movies you played more than eighty roles, which of them celebrate?

- I love my work with Ali Khamrayev, Sergey Mokritsky, Renat Laletyarov, Anna Lobanova, Artem Mazunov, Egor Abrosimov, and I generally love everyone, in each project you get your unforgettable experience. "Donbass", of course, worth a separate topic. At the first meeting, Katia Redhead, the producer said: "Ulyana, we will think about you, and you only think about the role." So it happened. We lived more than a month in the Crimea, under the city peaceful, my children were with me. By the way, they still ask there. Renat Davletyarov sets a very high professional bar on the set. Feeling ridiculous to high art. Of course, his stunning directorial charisma and a sense of humor conquer forever.

- Why did you agree to act in this ambiguous and complex movie?

- In 2014, my friend of childhood, a family studio in Novosibirsk, left for the Donbass by a military journalist, from him I was aware of all what was happening there. Then Dr. Lisa conducted work on the removal of children. I watched all this, and the heart was sick. Suddenly the script comes. And all fell on these yeast. I played Tatiana's samples so that I convinced myself. I was under a great impression of samples. I thought if I didn't call, then I, apparently, as the actress reached his maturity. I was approved.

Ulyana is not only an actress, but also a teacher. She already teaches stage speech for the third year at Schepkin School

Ulyana is not only an actress, but also a teacher. She already teaches stage speech for the third year at Schepkin School

Photo: Personal archive

- Do you agree to all offers? Or is there any taboo?

- Not on everything, of course. Tabo - vulgarity. For me, the ridiculation of religion, nationalities, unhealthy people is unacceptable.

- What is the partner for you?

- Partner - the most important person. If he plays well, and I do everything for this, and he is for me, it means that we are kratos (laughs). But it rarely happens. In the series have long been behind the camera, the actors are not worth the replicas to submit a partner, sad it.

- And what is your partner yourself, in your opinion?

- Unpredictable, talented, cheerful, boring, probably sometimes (laughs). But let's ask partners.

- Watch your parents and sisters often?

- Yes, of course, these are my native people.

- What is the family for you?

- Family is where I can relax, relax. We often go to the village with children. I have gardeners. Love beetles to study. Often ask there.

- Do you have girlfriends among colleagues in the workshop?

- Sure! Among the actresses are friendship, although it is rare. And in general, friendship is a gift, it does not depend on the profession.

Ulyana raises the son of Ivan and daughter Elizabeth. But in no hurry to show children press

Ulyana raises the son of Ivan and daughter Elizabeth. But in no hurry to show children press

Photo: Personal archive

- Are you familiar with the feeling of envy?

- Familiar, but I have nothing to do with it. I believe that envy is as if you signed in my media. Envy stops, slows down. There are very talented actors, and if they manage to play with common scenes, I catch every moment to learn from them. And to be in an envious field is very painful, hard, destructive. I know what I'm talking about. I thought a lot on this topic and came to the conclusion that an envious person will envy in any circumstances, even where there is no reason.

- What kind of person do you rate yourself?

- Fair. They say even too much. I'm working on myself.

- Is there a real dream?

- I want peace and prosperity to come to Ukraine to our fraternal people! For myself I want a house in the village, send requests to heaven (laughs). I also want the rivers and oceans to be cleaned of plastic, and the world from antibiotics and hormones. I want to plant trees, and did not cut them. In order for the air to be pure to guard, they did not hurt mothers, animals, children, old people. So that in Russia the most polite, caring, cultural and honest people lived. Where old age respect, the mother appreciate, and the man - the one who is responsible for everything, live happy and healthy people. Spiritual laws work independently from anything.

- And in the profession?

"I dream to put a performance, everything has already invented and Dream Casting did." And so - I want the roles of interesting, role roles, roles! We, artists, Wow, as before the roles of greedy (laughs).

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