Inna Zhirkova: "Children understand: we are going there, where dad"


- Inna, the other day you noted a tin wedding. For you, eight years is a long time?

- Probably, still big ... the time flies so quickly and somehow imperceptibly. It seems to be only married - and for eight years has passed. Although it is only the beginning of our life. Still ahead.

- Can you remember how many times have you moved during this time?

- Need to count. (Laughs.) Left to London, when Yura moved from CSKA to Chelsea. Then returned back to Moscow, in Dynamo, and now - to Peter. When the husband was playing "Anji", we did not live in Makhachkala, but only flew to the game.

- Yuri consulted with you before decided to switch to Zenit?

- Sure. He understands that not only it will be difficult for him. I probably, even harder, because you will need to arrange life. We have three children, that is, you need a new school for Dima, a kindergarten for Milan, a good polyclinic for Dani. Sleep your son from school - not so simple. Although we prepared Dima to this, they said that sooner or later everyone would have to move. Now Yura at the fees in Portugal. It should soon fly to Moscow for two days, and then again will fly away to the fees to Spain and already from there - in Peter, where there should be a comfortable, cozy nest. Of course, I wanted to stay at home. (Smiles.) But I'm where the husband is. And he best to know how to do. Therefore, the other day I will go to Peter: you need to find an apartment, look after school for the eldest son. I can't bring children to nowhere. All this will take some time.

- Dima will give us in the first grade in Moscow?

- This is the most painful question for us. Still, a new teacher and a new class at the end of the school year is not the best prospect. But I also understand that Yura there one will not be able to. And to break between husband and children, live in two cities - it is also unlikely to succeed. To be honest, I expected that Yura would go to Zenit in the summer and I would have a lot of time to find everything and equip. But it turned out as it turned out. And in fact, I was lucky: I have Julia (Baranovskaya. - Note), who lived in St. Petersburg. She will go with me now, will tell everything there, tells, will help.

Inna and Yuri Zhirkova together for eight years. And according to the spouses - they are still ahead

Inna and Yuri Zhirkova together for eight years. And according to the spouses - they are still ahead

- much more difficult to move - to Petersburg or in London?

- Probably in London. Dima's son was not and years old, I did not know the language. My dad and mom did not give a visa. We had no nanny nor assistants. In addition, Jura often flew to the fees - it was very difficult. And now Peter is near, I can come to Moscow, and dad with my mother - to me. If you consider a question from the point of view of football, it was difficult to return from England to Russia. There were doubts. We lived only two years in London, could stay for another two. But all that is done for the better. And God forbid so that Jura is everything turned out in the new team.

- What will happen to your atelier?

"I have very good people work, I trust them and I will often come to come." I have already looked at the schedule: you can leave St. Petersburg at six in the morning on the high-speed train, during the day everything is done in Moscow, and in the evening go home. In principle, in Moscow you can simult longer in traffic jams.

- did not think in St. Petersburg to start their business?

"I will definitely think about something, because I got used to get up in the morning, take the children to school and kindergarten and start working. At home I sit unusual. But still I will not make it up.

"Many say that Muscovite is hard to get used to St. Petersburg, and vice versa. Did you think about it?

- Of course I thought. This climate is different, and there are practically no friends there. But I wonder. I was twice in St. Petersburg, and only on games. I did not really see anything, I was not anywhere. Worker only for kids. For Dima, I looked for a long time in Moscow. I went with him for testing, I acquainted him with teachers and trusted more the opinion of the Son, asked, liked the teacher or not. For me it was very important. Of course, the son is now difficult. He has a small class, he is accustomed to his guys, teacher. But I was interested in the fact that in St. Petersburg he will also do football. While he is small, it is interesting for him to play different teams. Now he is in CSKA, before that was in Dynamo, and now he will have to go to Zenit. I hope that everything will be fine. Children understand: we are going there, where dad.

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