Nadezhda Babkin: "Does not shut down from anything"


- Nadezhda Georgievna, you often sing wonderful songs about love, and how do you think everyone is given to experience this feeling?

- Sure. The Lord awards this feeling of all without exception, but, unfortunately, not everyone can awaken this feeling and trusting him. Without love, life becomes gray, boring, so I sincerely wish everyone in life to love and suffer for love, because without suffering, love is meaningless.

- But suffering breaks the heart, and someone and life. Not all under the power of strong love experiences.

"When a person suffers, he seemed to wake up, begins to worry, think." Emotions beat through the edge, the struggle begins, the person becomes more experienced, stronger, he starts to learn everything.

Sometimes a person is deprived of love, and so it becomes hurt to look at him when his heart rushes, as he suffers, immediately understand that the person is alive! If there were no these things, so we would have passed everything in life thoughtlessly, with empty eyes.

And then, for his life, a person falls in love with one time, love flashes, fades, then flashes again. This is chemistry, and how we know how this feeling arises and where it disappears. That she and life to understand.

- What should I do, what would this feel preserved?

- To preserve this fragile feeling, it is necessary that everyone has their own free space.

All people from birth lonely and other people's friends, but when they begin to live together and create a family, they should understand that respect and mutual understanding is the most important thing. No need to "throw" on the partner of the network, no one has acquired anyone in his property. Some think that I put a stamp in the passport, now you can have a squeezed "spoon", and it is impossible to do this, you need to respect and honor inviolability. But to understand that the family is the Holy Saints, and to bear responsibility for this, to understand that the word "loyalty" is not an empty sound. I began to reason when it matured, and when there was a young one - the foolish was galloped in front of me. Motion so much mistakes. But you wish you wiser.

Nadezhda Babkin:

Nadezhda Babkin: "I'm always in love." Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

- Do you remember your first love?

"It was long ago, but loved many times, I'm a normal woman, fell in love, dismissed, everything like everyone else. Journalists still can not calm down, everyone is interested in my personal topic, as I live with my husband. I will say that I have been fine for me for eleven years in my personal life, let nobody climbs into my life, I advise everyone to first establish your personal life.

- What do you think love all ages are submissive or in some age it becomes indecent falling in love?

"You know, perhaps there is nothing wrong, if two lonely people will meet at the end of the life path, will come together and decorate each other existence. What is going on? In adulthood, people also want to be happy, they need care, simple everyday joy.

Here I have a favorite aunt, she is 85 five years old, I, when I call with congratulations, always wish love. She in response to me: "Nadia, what love? You are crazy? Everything hurts, everything is lomit, but then, thinking a second, hastily reports: "But I do not complain, creakly sobbly, because I love life." The main word she said: "I love life."

This man aged can love, more than young. Here you still have to argue from whom this feeling is stronger.

- Are you in love now?

"I am always in love, otherwise I could not create such a wonderful team of" Russian Song "and so brightly shine on stage. Our speeches are always a holiday, always a gift for the viewer, not ashamed of such words.

- Once I came to talk about gifts, sorry for the indiscreet question, and what is your chosen one for Evgeny give you?

"I like it when Zhenya gives a variety of candles." He has his own small candle breeding and it produces candles on natural oils that create a romantic mood, clarify the atmosphere of the holiday in the house. There are candles soothing, there are excuses. I gave all my girls to try this product, they liked it. He belongs in good faith to work, and you can light any thing, it will definitely be a pleasant smell from it. There are candles raising your aroma mood, there are awakening appetite, everything is thought out. So there is no gift for me.

- When candles awaken appetite, you need to cook something delicious. What is your beloved man?

- You know, to be honest, I am insanely tastefully preparing, and nothing of my cooking is loved by Zhenya. He says: "It is impossible to eat, let me prepare everything yourself." And drives me out of the kitchen.

It was at first it was offended by how so - Nadia Babkina could not cook. But if he said, I don't like it, it's useless to argue. They shared on the fact that we go to the restaurants, in a cafe, there is food for every taste, not to quarrel, she, because of this.

Nadezhda Babkin and Lev Leshchenko. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

Nadezhda Babkin and Lev Leshchenko. Photo: Lilia Sharlovskaya.

- What do you usually give him?

- I do not like things in the house, I can't endure unnecessary trash, meaningless things. For us, the most important thing is to create a mood in the house, to invest in the whole soul on the holiday, to have to hear and come up with something. Now there are few who is capable of it. Basically, my acquaintances are asked: "What did you give and how much does it cost?", But it seems to me that it is so tactless, thoughtlessly, you can offend a person.

But to arrange a holiday so that the soul is swollen, and I remember for all my life, this is important for me.

For me, an example is my parents who have fascinated traditions when there was little money, but I wanted to please the child from the heart. And now the opposite is trying to make a gift, but he is soulless.

- Nadezhda Georgievna, you have a happy alliance with your chosen, for the envy of all the enemies, sorry for the question if love goes, could you love to love again?

- And who knows why not. Nothing cannot be shown.

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