Anastasia Panina: "We with my husband love is checked by distance"


"Anastasia, you, together with Anna Star'shbaum and Sofia Chestnut play psychologists." Are you strong in psychology?

- Thank God, I did not come across some serious situations where you need to understand well in psychology. But with what happens to me, I cope. In addition, a certain terminology was present in the script, and I was looking for the necessary information on it on the Internet. I got acquainted with what it really means. My favorite series, by the way, is called "children's injuries." I believe everything from childhood.

- You yourself were what kind of child?

- Playful very and restless. I wanted to know the world, find yourself in it - this is a normal desire. I was always pulling me somewhere, I was not sitting in place.

And on the garages of Lazili, including. In general, I had a normal, good childhood without kindergarten.

- What hung on the walls in your children's room, remember?

- I did not have it. We lived in a two-bedroom apartment: Mom with dad in one, and my sister and my sister.

- In adolescence, did the desire of cardinal change arise? For example, in appearance?

- At 18, she shaved the head. But it was not a protest, but rather a pen sole. And in childhood, somehow bangs - it was a protest, but why I no longer remember. Mom climbed me some kind of hairpin so that it was not so visible. But still noticed.

The service novel Anastasia Panina and Vladimir Zherebtsov in 2010 turned into an official family

The service novel Anastasia Panina and Vladimir Zherebtsov in 2010 turned into an official family


- The best girlfriends of your heroine - classmates. You also have more friends

From the acting environment?

- Friendship needs to be given much time, and since it is not, it really turns out that most of my friends from those projects where I starred. And they live in different cities. From the institute, a friend and girlfriend go on life in life - they are nearing-pulmonary part of me. And the rest are coming-leaving.

- After filming in the same "Fizruk", did you continue communication with colleagues? Do you often see Dmitry Nagiyev?

- With Dmitry Vladimirovich, we do not intersect, but sometimes I meet with other colleagues. But such to make friends after the project and continue communication, there was not yet. And not because it is difficult to make friends, everything is in free time. His little.

- Do you believe in friendship between a man and a woman?

- Of course, I have a lot of men 'friends, I really appreciate such friendship. It seems to me that she can even be stronger than women. In general, this is a stereotypical thinking - once someone said that there could be no such friendship, and everyone believed.

Anastasia calls herself in moderation with a strict mom and is married to spend all his free time with Sasha's daughter

Anastasia calls herself in moderation with a strict mom and is married to spend all his free time with Sasha's daughter


- In "Psychologies" you play on the same platform with your classmates. How simple or are such shooting are given?

- It is really the first time we intersect in one project. So coincided, and it is very cool! And in the plot, we have love with Roma Love, and, of course, I had to kiss, although he was like a brother. But due to the fact that we are on the same wave, everything went easy. It turned out well as a result, because we are artists, classmates, know each other from and to. When each other saw each other and realized that it was necessary to kiss, very long laughed: "Well, let's try - suddenly it turns out!" (Laughs.)

- How did you get to such kisses your husband - Vladimir Zherebtsov?

- Well, he himself artist and treated it normal: let him kiss! (Laughs.)

- You are already seven years together, which is quite a lot of modern standards ...

- We do not see just. It happens that I come, and he, on the contrary, is leaving. We have a love distance is checked. There was a situation where we were filmed in Kiev. I flew, was at the airport, and he flew on this day. I went landing, I was accompanied, and he landed. But it happened on different floors of the airport, and the meeting did not take place!

- During my life together with Vladimir, what have you learned each other?

- As Vladimir tells, he learned more than me. (Smiles.) For example, calmness in certain situations. He is very emotional. And I think, we are learning to patience. In principle, after the appearance of the daughter, Alexandra became calmer.

Casting for the role of a psychologist was walking for quite a long time, according to the actress, she went to him almost every day, how to work

Casting for the role of a psychologist was walking for quite a long time, according to the actress, she went to him almost every day, how to work

- Can Sasha itself advise something?

"Once we came out of the house, she said:" Mom, I know one short way, went. " And I went after her. Really turned out shorter. (Smiles.)

- How do you like to spend time with her?

- Love cartoons to watch. "Nasty I", "Zverstolis", "Cold Heart" and others. Now I start it to acquaint her with the "Adventures of Electronics". It seems to me that there are films, let them not have such colorful, like those that are now going out, but the daughter must know them, like the time from which Dad with Mom. In addition, she is engaged in the ballet, playing the guitar, learns to draw, went to school in the first class this year. I try to spend all your free time with her. If I leave somewhere, my mom helps, we care without nanny.

"Many complain that now children simply do not depart from gadgets. Do you have to control your daughter in this regard?

- Sasha is not from those who are all the time in the phone, just there is a certain time when she can play the same tablet. But there is also a time when it is impossible to do this. She understands everything. I'm moderately strict. Moderately fair. Dad - paint. But it seems to me that it should be: dad is dad. Although there are no clear separations. There is a situation - we sang and solve it. Of course, it happens differently: Sasha is a child, sometimes capricious, but does not allow himself to go beyond the scope.

Anastasia Panina:

Another bright work of Anastasia was the role in the TV series "Fizruk", where the actress perfectly worked with Dmitry Nagiyev

- When communicating with you there is a feeling that you live with the feeling of inner harmony ...

- It seems to me that the internal contradictions arose, and will arise. But there are a number of principles that do not change: how you live, treat the world, to yourself, to others, to the profession, and so on. Everything around can change, but it is important that the principles remain unchanged.

- What are the principles?

- Everything should be honest, in love, you need to try not to deceive yourself. Do what should, and whether it will be, believing to people as you want to treat you, are such simple truths.

- In one interview, Tom Hanks said: "If there are no restrictions in life - there is no joy." How much is this rule for you? For example, in the same nutrition.

- I sometimes sit on a diet. Sometimes it happens. Well, in general, I just move often, flight, is spent a lot of energy. But I eat everything. And kinearm also, it happens. And sometimes I take something or go to the restaurant while shooting on a lunch break.

- And offer you a lot to recover for a role, like, for example, makes Christian Bale, would you agree?

- They would say to become a pampushka - would have become, and with great pleasure. Especially if you know that there is a team of nutritionists and everything will be fine with you. In general, I always like when you start: "But they have there ...". I always answer it: "They have there, and we are here. Completely everything is different. " Here Christian Bale is preparing for a role, he has such an opportunity. And he does it cool. And I can not spend the year to just do it only. I have more interesting things in life. Again the child. All my free time, which is very small, I'm moving my daughter ...

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